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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


10 arraigned over chaos in Bunda local goverment polls

10 arraigned over chaos in Bunda local goverment polls
Ten people including a contender for the post of village chairmanship at Nyasura 'D' Magambo Wassira from Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) in Bunda District yesterday appeared before the Bunda District Court allegedly for instigating ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Polls chaos forecasts said to be overblown

Possibility of social unrest and other kinds of risks to investors ahead of this year’s General Election are overstated by media and are not based on sound analysis of the country’s socio-political fabric, a New York based consultancy firm has said.


10 years ago


POLLS: Chaos as civic leaders sworn

>Pandemonium rocked the Kinondoni municipality local leaders swearing event yesterday as a mob attempted to block some from taking the oath.


10 years ago


Chaos taints civic polls, forcing postponements

Chaos taints civic polls, forcing postponements
Choas, lack of equipment and other irregularities characterised yesterday's civic polls, forcing authorities to close some polling stations and postpone the exercise. It is also reported that most voters who had turned up to elect village and street leaders could ...


10 years ago


Govt officials sacked over chaos in civic polls

Govt officials sacked over chaos in civic polls
Following last Sunday's civic polls which were marred by chaos and irregularities, the government has fired six district council executive directors, suspended five, strongly warned three and issued a first warning to three others. The officials in question were ...
Tanzania government sack six officials over chaotic local electionsCoastweek
Six sacked over civic election flawsDaily News

all 3


11 years ago


Local govts to receive Sh15bn for polls

>The government has allocated Sh15 billion to meet the costs of local government elections later this year should the process of making the new constitution be completed and the document endorsed.


10 years ago


Now it is indisputable: NEC must administer local polls

Now it is indisputable: NEC must administer local polls
Last Sunday eligible Tanzanian voters took part in local government elections to elect civic leaders, close to ten months before the general elections slated for this coming year. They were elections that everyone thought would be smoothly held, considering ...


10 years ago


Local polls unearth CCM, opposition weaknesses

It is an accepted assertion that the ruling party’s grip on rural voters is loosening. There is also a belief that the opposition is gaining support among rural populations. For CCM’s loss is opposition’s gain, so goes the saying.


10 years ago

Daily News

Local govt polls preps in top gear

Daily News
Local govt polls preps in top gear
Daily News
PREPARATIONS for the upcoming local government elections are on a sound note whereas 20bn/- will be spent for the task, it has been reported. The Director of Local Government in the Mintry of Regional Admintration and Local Government, Mr Khalt ...


10 years ago


CCM cautions members over candidates for local govt polls

CCM cautions members over candidates for local govt polls
The Kinondoni CCM district office in Dar es Salaam Region has cautioned party members to carefully select candidates for the local government elections. Speaking yesterday in Dar es Salaam, the Kinondoni district Party Chairman, Salum Madenge, said if ...



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