
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


1975 elections turn hard nut to crack for key ministers

1975 elections turn hard nut to crack for key ministers  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Boko Haram still a hard nut to crack for Nigeria

Nigeria’s fight to end the Boko Haram insurgency with billions of US dollars committed is yielding results this year, but the Islamist group has proved to be a hard nut to crack.


10 years ago


GNU ministers beaten as CUF picks candidates for elections

>Two ministers, some MPs and members of the House of Representatives are among those who were defeated in CUF nominations ahead of the October elections.


10 years ago


VIDEO: Nigeria elections: Key points

It has been an eventful day for Nigeria, as the country votes in long-awaited presidential elections. BBC Africa looks back at the day's key developments.


9 years ago


Observers raise key issues on elections

As CCM has won leadership of the country  and political intrigues are trumpeted by the opposition CHADEMA leaders, local and international observers have raised various pertinent issues relating to irregularities during the electoral process.


9 years ago


Parties share the spoils in key mayoral elections

Opposition Chadema wins the Arusha and Kagera mayoral seats while the ruling CCM takes Mwanza and Musoma seats


9 years ago


2015 elections: CCM loses key local authorities to opposition

While Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has continued to control the central government, the ruling party has lost its power in local authorities, including the key economic city and town councils in the country.


5 years ago


Know your African Ministers: Full List of current 54 Health Ministers in Africa – 2020

The year 2020 has confirmed to the whole world that one of the most important and toughest portfolios to hold in a government is that of a Minister of Health.

In Africa, our health ministers have been at the forefront of the fight against the Corona Virus pandemic and with support from the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, there's hope of Africans rising from this pandemic, scathed but stronger.

Primary among the roles of a health minister are overseeing the formulation of...


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

1975 polls: Tanu unveils first post- independence manifesto

1975 polls: Tanu unveils first post- independence manifesto  The Citizen Daily



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