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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


20 learning apps for stir-crazy kids

20 learning apps for stir-crazy kids  The Guardian

The Guardian

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

TechCrunch, a virtual tutor for kids learning English, raises $1 million seed round, a virtual tutor for kids learning English, raises $1 million seed round  TechCrunch


5 years ago


Apple creates iPad-based at-home learning program for kids enduring COVID-19 lockdowns

Apple creates iPad-based at-home learning program for kids enduring COVID-19 lockdowns  AppleInsiderApple’s education team publishes new ’30 Creative Activities for Kids’ worksheet  9to5MacApple Shares Worksheet With 30 iPad Activities for Kids  MacRumorsView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


This Week in Apps: WWDC goes online, coronavirus leads to more cancellations, sneaky spy apps exposed

This Week in Apps: WWDC goes online, coronavirus leads to more cancellations, sneaky spy apps exposed  TechCrunch


5 years ago


This Week in Apps: Apple launches a COVID-19 app, the outbreak’s impact on social and video apps and more

This Week in Apps: Apple launches a COVID-19 app, the outbreak’s impact on social and video apps and more  TechCrunchApple launches Covid-19 screening iPhone app and website  TechSpotApple launches COVID-19 screening app and website  The VergeApple's new COVID-19 app will screen you and teach you how to lessen the odds of getting sick  PhoneArenaDo You Have COVID-19? New Apple Site, iOS App Help Assess Symptoms  PCMagView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


This Week in Apps: COVID-19 contact tracing apps, virtual dating on the rise, Quibi makes a debut

This Week in Apps: COVID-19 contact tracing apps, virtual dating on the rise, Quibi makes a debut  TechCrunchView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


My physique causes a stir

Following the little tribulations that I have encountered recently both on the domestic and professional front, I am happy that I am involved in something that preoccupies my mind. But, as usual, enemies of development are everywhere.


5 years ago

Android Authority

5 Android apps you shouldn't miss this week! - Android Apps Weekly [308]

5 Android apps you shouldn't miss this week! - Android Apps Weekly [308]  Android AuthorityWhatsApp is terrible for your smartphone, and here's the proof  ExpressView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

Android Authority

5 Android apps you shouldn't miss this week! - Android Apps Weekly [309]

5 Android apps you shouldn't miss this week! - Android Apps Weekly [309]  Android AuthorityFast Charge: The Huawei P40 is the most important moment for Android since the Galaxy S2  TrustedReviewsClick: The week in tech  BBC NewsGoogle’s newest Chrome feature is geared towards power users  BGRKerala Partners With Qkopy For Android App To Help us Track Coronavirus Updates  News18View Full coverage on Google News



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