
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


351 girls circumcised in Tarime town council

Despite efforts by the  government and humans rights organisations to curb Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), over 350 girls have undergone circumcision in Tarime between 2014 and 2015, a top official has revealed.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Tarime town hosts May Day festivities

Tarime town hosts May Day festivities
Daily News
HUNDREDS of workers from all corners of Mara region on Thursday joined the rest of the world to celebrate the 2014 International Workers' Day. The colourful celebrations were held at the regional level at a public ground in Tarime town. Workers from both ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Tarime school for girls almost completed

Tarime school for girls almost completed
Daily News
CONSTRUCTION of a special high school for girls in the northern parts of Tarime District, Mara Region is in good progress, it has been established. Officials say already construction of several premises including classrooms of the planned high school have ...


9 years ago


Chadema names nominee for Tarime district council chairmanship

 Chadema has nominated Nyamwaga ward councilor Mr Moses Yomani to bear the party’s flag in the race for Tarime district council chairmanship.


9 years ago


Tanzania: Chadema Names Nominee for Tarime District Council Chairmanship

Tanzania: Chadema Names Nominee for Tarime District Council Chairmanship
Tarime — Chadema has nominated Nyamwaga ward councilor Mr Moses Yomani to bear the party's flag in the race for Tarime district council chairmanship. Mr Yomani defeated his rival for the seat Matongo ward councilor Mr Samson Nsanda after garnering ...


10 years ago


Gold mine pays Sh863m service levy to Tarime council

>North Mara Gold Mine Limited (NMGML), a subsidiary of Acacia Mining Plc, paid Sh863 million to  the Tarime District Council being payment to service levy for July to December 2014.


10 years ago


Hapless Tarime girls forced into early marriage

Bunyinge Chacha 30, a resident of Buriba Village in Sirari Tarime District has been injured after her husband speared her in the right buttock allegedly for refusing to support the decision to marry off their 11 year-old daughter forcefully.


11 years ago


Nigeria leader to visit girls' town

Nigeria's president will on Friday visit the town of Chibok, where more than 200 schoolgirls were abducted a month ago, officials say.


11 years ago


Nearly 6m circumcised in pan-African push against Aids

Some 5.8 million men in 14 African countries, including Tanzania, have been medically circumcised for HIV prevention since 2008, a new report shows.


10 years ago


Let girls be girls, not brides

Tecla, a young Zimbabwean girl, was sold for a few cows by her father to help alleviate the family’s poverty. She was raped by her husband, became pregnant and contracted HIV/Aids. Her baby died soon after birth. Tecla was only 12 years old.



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