
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


42 in custody over burning of court building in Kilombero

42 in custody over burning of court building in Kilombero
Police in Morogoro Region hold 42 people in connection with illegal assembly, destroying public properties in Kilombero and Ulanga districts. Morogoro Regional Police Commander, Leonard Paulo said that among the suspects include 37 people from ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


14 arraigned for burning down govt building

Fourteen people have been arraigned for allegedly setting a local government office and police post on fire Monday.


11 years ago


Court rejects plea in building collapse case

The Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court yesterday refused to drop murder charges against 12 people linked with the building that collapsed in the city centre last year.


10 years ago


Collapsed Building Case Likely to Land in Court of Appeal

Collapsed Building Case Likely to Land in Court of Appeal
THE Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has filed an appeal to oppose the decision by the High Court to nullify murder charges against 12 people allegedly linked with the building that collapsed in Dar es Salaam city centre early last year. "Yes, we have ...


9 years ago


Court building and CCM offices set ablaze by rioters

A primary court building and CCM office were set ablaze by unknown individuals demanding authorities announce parliamentary results for Vwawa and Mbozi constituents.


10 years ago


Court orders speedy probe in collapsed building case

>The Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court has ordered a speedy investigation into a murder case facing 12 people linked with the building that collapsed in the city centre, early last year.


10 years ago


MUSINGS: Just Keep the candle burning

There are certain types of women, who for some reason think they can have it both ways. To play both the bully and victim at ago; just ask men who have divorced and remarried a couple of times.


10 years ago

I Know Today

Witch burning in Tanzania

I Know Today
Witch burning in Tanzania
I Know Today
Police in Tanzania arrested 23 people for the murder of seven villagers. The suspects thought that the seven victims were involved in witchcraft. Such activities, involving witch hunts appear to be quite frequent in Tanzania. The latest attacks took place on ...
7 witchcraft suspects burned to death in TanzaniaSabahi Online
Tanzanian village burns alive seven suspected
Tanzania arrests 23 over killing of seven 'witches'BBC...


9 years ago


Does burning actually destroy ivory?

Does burning elephant tusks actually destroy them?


9 years ago


More seized over church burning

The number of suspects in recent incidents involving the burning of two churches has risen to 37 after six other people were arrested on Sunday night.



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