6 Fun Facts about Ramadan
Beginning next Thursday, it’s that time of year again: Ramadan! As the entire world’s muslim community prepares for this month-long event, this is a good occasion to provide you with some fun facts about Ramadan.
1. Many people actually gain weight during Ramadan. As people do not eat anything all day, they feel that they deserve indulging and eat more, less healthy food and later in the night, shortly before sleeping.
2. The most popular breaking-Ramadan food are dates, harvested in Egypt,...
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Have you noticed that life has become so automated that you no longer give much thought to the things you do? Everything is done so mechanically, including eating. Well thanks to the internet, hellofood has gathered some amazing fun facts and history about foods we often enjoy. Did you know that ketchup was used in 1830s to treat diarrhea? Or that apple belongs to the rose family?
1.Fast food hamburgers may contain meat from 100 different
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Ramadhan Mubarak 1436 /2015 Common Mistakes In Ramadan
Bismillahi rahman rahim
In the Name of God; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Due to calculations Ramadhan will be on June 18th
Moon sighting Ramadhan will be 18th or 19th of June
Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the month during which Muslims observe fasting from morning twilight (Fajr Prayer) to the evening twilight (Maghreb Prayer).
Common Mistakes During Ramadhan
1) Focusing on food; to the extent that people begin to worry about eating more then...