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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


6 more collect CCM forms

>A little known Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) official joined heavyweights such as Vice President Dr Mohammed Gharib Bilal and former premiers Edward Lowassa and Frederick Sumaye to pick up the party’s nomination forms for the presidency.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Nchimbi, 8 other CCM members collect speaker forms

Nine CCM members yesterday collected nomination forms for the position of the Speaker of the National Assembly after the ruling party kick-started the process to pick  its candidate.


9 years ago

Daily News

Shein to collect forms next Monday

Shein to collect forms next Monday
Daily News
PRESIDENT Ali Mohamed Shein, seeking another five-year term in office on the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), will pick nomination forms from the Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) next Monday. According to the ZEC timetable, Dr Shein will collect the ...


9 years ago

Daily News

Isles' DP presidential candidate fails to collect forms

Isles' DP presidential candidate fails to collect forms
Daily News
THE Democratic Party (DP) presidential candidate for Zanzibar in this year's general election, Mr Abdalla Kombo, failed to collect the nomination forms yesterday. According to the Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) timetable, Mr Kombo was supposed to ...


11 years ago


Four collect forms as darts body election looms

With only a week to go before the Dar es Salaam Darts Association (Dada) holds its election, only four people have taken forms to contest leadership in the body. The association is expected to usher in new officials on May 11 after having been allowed to go on with the exercise by relevant authorities.


10 years ago


Bilal joins Ikulu race as 4 collect forms

CCM starts issuing forms to members seeking to be the party’s presidential candidate in the October 25 elections


10 years ago


CCM presidential forms out today

CCM presidential forms out today
Minister of State in the President's Office (Special Duties) Professor Mark Mwandosya will today be the first to pick his CCM nomination form for presidency. After the professor collects his form at 10:00 AM, Minister for Agriculture, Food Security and ...


10 years ago


Six CCM aspirants pick up forms for Presidency

Six CCM aspirants pick up forms for Presidency
CCM members eyeing the Tanzanian Presidency come the October General Election show their nomination forms collected at CCM headquarters in Dodoma yesterday. They are Edward Lowassa, Dr Mohamed Gharib Bilal, Ali Karume, Amos Sinyatemi, ...
Race for presidency heats upDaily News

all 3


10 years ago

Daily News

CCM member picks nomination forms days before deadline

CCM member picks nomination forms days before deadline
Daily News
"BETTER late than never," so goes a saying that rightly applies to Banda Sonoko who picked up nomination forms to join 41 other hopefuls for Chama Cha Mapinduzi, CCM, Presidential ticket for the forthcoming general election. Sonoko picked the forms ...


9 years ago


OUR KIND OF ENGLISH: Lowassa PICKED forms? No; he picked UP forms

We start with gems from the Sunday, August 9 edition of tabloid whose boss signs Abdi’s paycheque, thanks to a story entitled, “We have enough food for three years, says JK” in which the scribbler says: “In order to reduce dependence on the HAND HOE, more than 3,000 tractors will be imported…”



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