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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


A CHAT FROM LONDON: London welcomes, supports anti-FGM push in Tanzania

>Wednesday, October 15, 2014...A tiny delegation of well educated women; modest and intelligent, will be welcomed into one of the most powerful rooms in the northern hemisphere. First is Mrs Rhobi Samwelly (pictured), mother of four children, hailing from Butiama, Mara Region.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Discussants see need to involve men in FGM fight

 Last week I mentioned that there will be an interesting discussion on Wednesday, October 5, this year... And yes, it was indeed, historic.  Ah, to recap...for those who missed the news item. I did write...


9 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Wet afternoon, junkie hobbling on a London street

It is a cold wet winter afternoon, a few days after the Paris and Bamako terrorist attacks. As I stroll down a major street in East London, a man is melodically hollering:“Evening Standard! Evening Standard!”


11 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Morning chat with a fabulous, frail English old lady

A good day becomes evident in the the Swahili proverb goes. It was ice cold but the sun was shining.


10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: The language issue and business development in Tanzania

>Whenever our political leaders fly overseas there are people who are  very keen to meet and hear them.  Earnestly.  A second group prefers keeping grievances secret and carry on “boxing” as the Kiswahili slang goes.


10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Now let’s chat about memorable videos and films

>May I share a few clips from last week? First the video.  A mass of frenzied people are chasing a man somewhere in West Africa.   Right on the knees of Ebola.  Someone sent it via WhatsApp.  Don’t frown if you don’t use WhatsApp.


10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Living away from home makes you know who you are

>May we begin by asking a question? Is it true that there is a huge difference between the thinking of Africans living on the continent and those outside it? Over 50 years ago, we used to call overseas-based ones the “African Wazungus” not because of race but attitude and manners. It was insulting being called Mzungu Mweusi. Nevertheless, behind closed doors it was privileged.


11 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: Those were the days of ‘spring chicken’, paedophilia

>There is comedy piece currently circulating around the Internet. If you have a smartphone you probably know it via Whats-Up or Viber; tools (apps) that send and receive clips and mini recordings lasting an average two minutes.


9 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: How language is changing with our troubled times

I received an SMS from a long time friend in Brazil.“Boss! Get out of Europe, those fanatics will kill you. It is no longer safe. Come to Brazil...”


10 years ago


A CHAT FROM LONDON: The little that I knew of Professor Ali Mazrui

>It was three weeks ago that the eminent Prof Ali Mazrui, Kenyan international scholar, thinker and writer died. So much has already been written. So much more to come. Many continue to eulogise this rare East African son who died aged 81, in the USA.



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