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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


A new spacecraft will examine the sun close up

A new spacecraft will examine the sun close up  The EconomistSpace weather forecast: Solar winds to hit Earth this weekend; what will happen to the planet?  International Business Times, Singapore EditionSpace weather forecast: Solar storm to arrive this WEEKEND ‘Aurora watchers be on alert’ a mini ice-age soon impact Earth?  News 12 BronxDangerous below-zero windchill for most of Thursday  KMBC Kansas CityView Full coverage on Google...

The Economist

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Digital Trends

NASA wants to launch a set of six mini spacecraft to observe the sun

NASA wants to launch a set of six mini spacecraft to observe the sun  Digital Trends


5 years ago


For NASA's next sun mission, 6 tiny spacecraft will work as one massive telescope

For NASA's next sun mission, 6 tiny spacecraft will work as one massive telescope  Space.comNASA selects space science cubesat mission  SpaceNewsNASA announced new SunRISE mission to study giant solar particle storms  FirstpostNASA selects mission to study causes of giant solar particle storms  Phys.orgSolar winds currently hitting Earth, could create beautiful light show in the sky  International Business Times, Singapore EditionView Full coverage on Google...


5 years ago


NASA to launch fleet of tiny spacecraft to study monster sun storms

NASA to launch fleet of tiny spacecraft to study monster sun storms  CNETNASA's Mars Helicopter makes last spin on Earth before before July launch  Space.comNASA's Mars Rover Is Bringing 10.9 Million Names to the Red Planet  IGN Southeast AsiaA seventh grader named NASA’s newest Mars rover  Science News for StudentsNASA Selects Mission to Study Causes of Giant Solar Particle Storms  Jet Propulsion LaboratoryView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


Phiri to examine Kenyan player

>New Simba Head coach Patrick Phiri has admitted that he will need some time to access the capabilities of Kenyan international attacking midfielder Paul Kiongera.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Examine ‘inside job’ link to bank client attacks

>In the very distant past, owning  and riding a motorcycle was a big deal, mostly the preserve of teachers, clergymen and senior civil servants.  Tanzania is now awash with motorcycles, largely as a tool for the bodaboda taxi business that  engages thousands of young men (women being a negligible fraction), who would otherwise worsen the unemployment  problem aptly likened to a time bomb.


5 years ago

The Japan Times

Japan's financial and monetary authorities examine creation of digital currencies

Japan's financial and monetary authorities examine creation of digital currencies  The Japan Times


11 years ago


Mauritius: More than just some fun in the sun

The first image that would come to mind on hearing the word ‘Mauritius’ is probably an image that represents ‘paradise’. People lazily lying on the beach, a sip of cool coconut water, totally excluded from the world and its’ cares.


5 years ago

Science News For Students

See the sun in dazzling detail

See the sun in dazzling detail  Science News for StudentsSolar Orbiter heads to the sun in mission to unravel its mysteries, takes first space measurements  TeslaratiSun-Photographing Telescope Could Help Detect Solar Flares, Says Professor  The Chicago MaroonView Full coverage on Google News


10 years ago


The Sun kutoshapisha picha za utupu

Gazeti la The Sun limesimamisha uchapishaji wa wanawake walio nusu uchi katika ukurasa wa tatu, gazeti la The Times linatuarifu



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