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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


A truly passionate and revolutionary teacher

Real revolutionaries are often not announced by trumpets. They do not beat their own drum but labour meticulously, often, for an obscure cause defending the marginalised. Mzee Lucas Shauri is one of these individuals.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Passionate debate in Assembly on mode of voting

>Members of the Constituent Assembly put up a spirited defence of either an open or secret mode of voting yesterday as the House resumed debate after Wednesday’s suspension.


11 years ago

Independent Online

Take a tour of revolutionary Tanzania

Independent Online
Take a tour of revolutionary Tanzania
Independent Online
Dar es Salaam - Mejah Mbuya hops off his bike outside a building that seems to be unoccupied. “There used to be a plaque around here somewhere,” he murmurs, searching in vain. The building is in central Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's steamy port city, and ...


11 years ago

New Vision

A revolutionary trip down TZ's memory lane...

New Vision
A revolutionary trip down TZ's memory lane...
New Vision
Mejah Mbuya, the co-founder of Afri Roots, rides his bicycle in downtown Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PHOTO/AFP. newvision. Tweet. mail; img. DAR ES SALAAM - Mejah Mbuya hops off his bike outside a building that seems to be unoccupied. "There used to ...
50th Union Anniversary Women Celebrate As Business

all 2


11 years ago

Sin Chew Jit Poh

A revolutionary trip down Tanzania's memory lane

A revolutionary trip down Tanzania's memory lane
Sin Chew Jit Poh
DAR ES SALAAM, May 2, 2014 (AFP) - Mejah Mbuya hops off his bike outside a building that seems to be unoccupied. "There used to be a plaque around here somewhere," he murmurs, searching in vain. The building is in central Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's ...


11 years ago

The Independent

Assata: An Autobiography, by Assata Shakur, book review: Revolutionary from a ...

Assata: An Autobiography, by Assata Shakur, book review: Revolutionary from a ...
The Independent
The revolutionary Black Liberation Army of the 1970s rose out of the ashes of the Black Panther Party to free black people in the United States, this time through armed struggle. The peaceful civil rights movement of the sixties had eliminated segregation but ...


11 years ago

Parent Cooporation Basis For Better Student Performance – Minister


Teacher-parent cooporation basis for better student performance – minister
For improved student performance, teacher-parent corporation is been stressed with parents and guardians been called on to increase their participation in school activities while teachers and school administrators asked to increase their communication ...


10 years ago


What every teacher wants to tell parents

“Parents have ignored their duty in bringing up their children and left it to experts like teachers, house helps, relatives and many other able people” Hajj Kasule


10 years ago


I think that my teacher hates me, now what?

Hi, I’m in Form One and I really don’t mind my new school and even enjoy the subjects. Except for one thing. There is a teacher who is very rude to me, she picks on me more than the others when I make a mistake and she has embarrassed me in front of my classmates many times. I now hate going to her class which is Biology, which I actually really enjoy. What do I do?


10 years ago

Daily News

Teacher charged for bribery

Teacher charged for bribery
Daily News
A NYAKATO resident, Mr Lyatula Silas Mkama, appeared before the Nyamagana District Magistrate charged for bribery. Before the Nyamagana Resident District Magistrate, Veronica Lucas Mugendi on Friday, the Public Prosecutor from the Prevention and ...



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