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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


African Heads of Public Services Target High Performance At Commonwealth ...

African Heads of Public Services Target High Performance At Commonwealth ...
Head of public services from 18 Africa countries in the Commonwealth are to convene in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, between 13-15 July 2015, at a major intergovernmental forum to improve the efficiency and impact of public services. The Forum of ...

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

African heads of public services counselled on service delivery

African heads of public services counselled on service delivery
Daily News
ZANZIBAR President Dr Ali Mohamed Shein has urged heads of public services from Commonwealth countries in Africa to demonstrate accountability, effective and efficient public service delivery in their daily activities. Dr Shein made the statement in ...


10 years ago


Tanzania hosts dinner reception for Head of public services in the Commonwealth in Dar es salaam

Tanzania's Chief Secretary Amb. Ombeni Sefue (seventh from right) and Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Ms. Josephine Ojiambo (sixth from right) and Ag. Head of Tanzania Public Services Mr. HAB Mkwizu (third from left) pose with Head of public services from 18 African countries in the Commonwealth are gathered  in Dar es Salaam for a  major intergovernmental forum to improve the efficiency and impact of public services. This was on Monday night during a dinner reception hosted by...


11 years ago


11 years ago


Report faults TZ public service performance

While Tanzania is one of the countries highly rated by the World Bank assessment of the performance of African governments on quality of the country’s policies and institutional progress, it still has a lot to improve mainly on public sector management.


10 years ago

Daily News

10 public school heads in hot soup over closure

10 public school heads in hot soup over closure
Daily News
THE Permanent Secretary (PS) in the Prime Minister's Office (Local Government and Regional Administration), Mr Jumanne Sagini, has asked responsible District Executive Directors (DEDs), to take appropriate measures against not less than ten ...


11 years ago


CS: Govt is in performance contract with hundreds of public orgs

CS: Govt is in performance contract with hundreds of public orgs
The government is in performance contracts with hundreds of public institutions and organisations in a move aimed at strengthening revenue collection and fostering economic growth. Permanent Secretary in the President's Office (Public Service ...


10 years ago


Use of Kiswahili in public schools hurting students' performance

Use of Kiswahili in public schools hurting students' performance - don.
The use of Kiswahili as the medium of instruction in public schools has been cited as a contributing factor for college graduates failure to access for local or international labour markets and therefore lack skills and strength in English language. “Tanzanians ...


10 years ago


Public servants risking censure over poor performance

Public servants risking censure over poor performance
Chief Secretary Ombeni Sefue has warned public servants to refrain from doing business as usual, saying time is ripe to weed out those who cannot deliver. Opening a two-day closed door meeting of senior government officials here yesterday, he said some ...



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