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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


African Union staff association claims graft rife at the organisation

African Union staff association claims graft rife at the organisation  The Citizen Daily

The Citizen Daily

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Graft rife despite efforts to tame it, says Migiro

Graft rife despite efforts to tame it, says Migiro
Daily News
DESPITE efforts to fight corruption, the government has admitted the existence of individuals who accumulate fortunes illegally. Moving her office's budget estimates for 2014/15 in Parliament on Thursday, the Minister for Constitutional Affairs, Dr Asha-Rose ...


9 years ago


Judiciary staff warned against graft

The minister for Constitutional Affairs and Justice, Dr Harrison Mwakyembe, yesterday issued a stern warning against judiciary staff and state attorneys who take bribes that their days were numbered.


11 years ago


Ministers quizzed over graft claims

The Minister of State in the President’s Office (Good Governance), Mr George Mkuchika, and his Water counterpart Prof Jumanne Magembe were yesterday blamed for failing to seal corruption loop holes in their dockets.


11 years ago


EAC suspends officer on graft claims

The East African Community (EAC) secretariat has remained silent on the suspension of one of its senior officials on graft claims and alleged abuse of office.


10 years ago

Independent Online

Tanzania probes $250m graft claims

Independent Online
Tanzania probes $250m graft claims
Independent Online
Dar es Salaam - Tanzania said Friday it was investigating claims of a 250 million dollar financial scandal involving top public officials after donors withheld hundreds of millions in aid. Opposition lawmakers claimed in parliament that senior government ...


10 years ago


Tanzania PM sidesteps calls to quit over graft claims

Tanzania PM sidesteps calls to quit over graft claims
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's prime minister on Thursday sidestepped calls from a parliamentary committee to resign over accusations that he had approved illegal payments to a private power company. Tanzania has discovered massive gas ...
Tanzania PM Mizengo Pinda caught in corruption rowBBC News
Tanzania PM asked to resign over escrow account scandalNewstime Africa
Prime Minister Mizengo PindaIPPmedia

all 5


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Donors delay some aid to Tanzania over graft claims

Donors delay some aid to Tanzania over graft claims
Daily Mail
DAR ES SALAAM, Oct 11 (Reuters) - A group of 12 international donors have delayed budget support for Tanzania until findings of an investigation into charges of corruption in the energy sector are released and appropriate action taken, a leading donor said ...


10 years ago


Tanzania's parliament receives report on graft claims in energy

East African Business Week
Tanzania's parliament receives report on graft claims in energy
DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's parliament has received a report on the findings of an investigation into corruption allegations in the energy sector, officials said on Sunday, an issue that has led to donors delaying aid and weakened its currency.
Tanzania scales up rural power suppliesEast African Business Week

all 8



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