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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


After extension, hope remains for Iran nuclear talks

If Iran and world powers couldn’t clinch a nuclear deal after five hard months of bargaining, what hope is there that yet more time will help?


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Iran nuclear negotiations almost in the bag

It was the Americans, back in the time of the deposed Shah, who encouraged Iran to develop a nuclear bomb-making capacity. Now it is the Americans, along with the Europeans, who are desperately trying to undo their folly.


9 years ago


Iran parliament approves nuclear deal with world powers

Iran’s parliament approved its nuclear deal with world powers Tuesday, paving the way for the historic agreement curbing Tehran’s atomic programme to take effect and for the eventual lifting of sanctions.


5 years ago

Stratfor Worldview

Concerns About Iran's Falling Nuclear Breakout Time Are Set to Grow

Concerns About Iran's Falling Nuclear Breakout Time Are Set to Grow  Stratfor WorldviewSeeking compliance, normalizing economic ties - The Jakarta Post  Jakarta PostView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


Why agonise about terrorists with nuclear weapons?

US aviation authorities banned the carrying of toothpaste on planes heading to the Sochi Winter Olympics for fear they might contain a deadly explosive. Apparently such is the creativity of the modern terrorist.


11 years ago


‘Nuclear stigma holds TZ back’

The national atomic energy watchdog says it is perturbed by persistent stigma attached to nuclear technology by many people.


9 years ago


Nuclear and renewable: S.Africa's ambitious new energy mix

Heavily reliant on coal-fired electricity, South Africa is launching ambitious new projects aimed at diversifying its energy sources and avoiding the regular power cuts that have hobbled the economy in recent years.


9 years ago


NKorea says it has restarted all nuclear bomb fuel plants

The North's announcement Monday also raised doubts about recent signs of easing animosities between the rival Koreas, which have agreed to hold reunions next month of families separated by war.


11 years ago


Nuclear missile force poses headache for US military

The “missileers” who oversee America’s land-based nuclear arsenal were once seen as the tip of the spear for the US military during the tense days of the Cold War.


11 years ago


Extension services set to go mobile

A novel plan to use mobile phones to boost extension services in agriculture is being developed under a Norwegian-funded programme at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (Sua), it was revealed here at the weekend.



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