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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Air unverified content, face the axe: Tcra

The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (Tcra) has threatened to revoke licences of media houses that aired and published unverified content.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Escrow: Four face axe

Escrow: Four face axe
The National Assembly yesterday unanimously came up with eight resolutions on the hot debate involving the withdrawal of Sh 320 billion from Tegeta Escrow account that was being administered by the Bank of Tanzania. Among the resolutions, the ...
Tanzanians demand sacking of ministers over electricity scandalCoastweek
In unon, Bunge wants actionDaily News
Tanzanian PM under pressure to resign over alleged fraudulent paymentsThe Guardian -Reuters...


10 years ago

Daily News

TCRA for developmental oriented radio content

TCRA for developmental oriented radio content
Daily News
TANZANIA Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) Director General, Prof John Nkoma has stressed on the need for communication service providers to serve the public with content that will foster development. Speaking in Dar es Salaam on Thursday ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Brokers harassing motorts face axe

Daily News
Brokers harassing motorts face axe
Daily News
DAR ES SALAAM Regional Commsioner, Mr Saidi Meck Sadiki has directed city authorities to stop using the services of auction marts after mounting complaints by motorts against the companies. Complaints against the auction marts in the execution of their ...
Scrap auction mart parking services - RCIPPmedia

all 3


10 years ago


Brokers Harassing Motorists Face Axe

Daily News
Brokers Harassing Motorists Face Axe
DAR ES SALAAM Regional Commissioner, Mr Saidi Meck Sadiki has directed city authorities to stop using the services of auction marts after mounting complaints by motorists against the companies. Complaints against the auction marts in the execution of ...
Scrap auction mart parking services - RCIPPmedia
All set for countrywide civic elections on SundayDaily News

all 9


5 years ago

The Verge

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19

The FAA briefly halted air traffic in NYC area after an air traffic employee tested positive for COVID-19  The Verge3 FAA ATC Towers Have Been Closed Due To Coronavirus  Simple FlyingCoronavirus: New York airports briefly halted all arriving flights - Business Insider  Business InsiderJFK air traffic control technician tests positive for coronavirus  FOX 5 NYDelays at JFK after flights at New York grounded as air traffic control worker tests positive for coronavirus  The SunView Full...


5 years ago


SADC suspends face-to-face engagements as coronavirus fears take grip of SA

SADC suspends face-to-face engagements as coronavirus fears take grip of SA  News24


5 years ago

Paddle Your Own Kanoo

Alitalia Will Not Only Make Cabin Crew Wear Surgical Face Masks But Passengers As Well... Or Face Being Offloaded

Alitalia Will Not Only Make Cabin Crew Wear Surgical Face Masks But Passengers As Well... Or Face Being Offloaded  Paddle Your Own KanooAlitalia Could Deny Boarding If You Don’t Have A Mask  Simple FlyingAlitalia orders passengers to wear masks on busy flights  FlightglobalAlitalia Requiring Passengers To Wear Face Masks  One Mile at a TimeView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


Hon Joshua Nassari and other young african leaders face-to-face with president Obama in Washington

 Arumeru East Member of Parliament Gon. Joshua Nassari says  "habari" and President Obama said "nzuri". He also mentioned his thoughts on how he thinks it's 'time for Africa to have Self reliant Economy' meaning trade and partnership rather than grants. President Obama is all smiles as he shakes hands with Young African leaders during a townhall meeting in Washington "An honour to meet you, Mr President"



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