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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


All children must enjoy the right to education

All children must enjoy the right to education
Daily News
ON Tuesday Tanzania joined other countries in the African continent and the world at large in marking the Day of the African Child. The day was initiated in 1991 by the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU) (now the African Union - AU) to honour the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Let children enjoy holiday

In virtually all Dar es Salaam neighbourhoods—and it could be the same elsewhere upcountry—posts and walls are awash with amateurish adverts for “holiday tuition.”


11 years ago

Daily News

Education is the right of all children

Education is the right of all children
Daily News
IN Tuesday's edition of this newspaper, we carried a story on the commendable action by the Mwanza Regional Commissioner, Mr Evarist Ndikilo, to order girl students who were taken away from school for the purpose of getting married to go back to school.


11 years ago

New Vision

Guard children's education right...

New Vision
Guard children's education right...
New Vision
Beyond the commemoration, the Day of African Child seeks to draw the attention of all actors involved in ensuring that children enjoy their rights; Governments, international institutions, CSOs and communities to reflect on the prevailing situation of children in ...
All Children Must Enjoy the Right to

all 2


10 years ago


VP Stresses Basic Education for Children

VP Stresses Basic Education for Children
Zanzibar — ZANZIBAR Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi, has called on parents and other members of the community to make sure that every child in the Islands gets basic education, saying it is a vital tool for a child's future. "Educating ...


10 years ago


Pinda emphasises need for quality education for children
Pinda emphasises need for quality education for children
Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda yesterday said quality education is the main weapon which will help a child live a better life and contribute to the country's development. Inaugurating the Education Week at the Jamhuri Stadium in Dodoma Municipality, he said ...
PM lays stress on fair learningDaily News
PM Mizengo Pinda lays emphasis on fair

all 5


10 years ago


EDITORIAL : Up quality of education offered to our children

Virtually all Tanzanian children of school-going age get a place in primary school. There is at least one secondary school in every ward, so almost every child who makes the grade gets admitted to Form One.


11 years ago

Daily News

Promote children's rights, education stakeholders urged

Promote children's rights, education stakeholders urged
Daily News
EDUCATION stakeholders in Kibaha district, Coast region have been urged to work together in ensuring children's basic rights which include education, health and others are met so as to reduce increasing number in children living in difficult conditions in the ...


9 years ago


In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school

In education push, Tanzania to punish parents of children out of school
DAR ES SALAAM (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and ...


9 years ago


Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Tanzania: In Education Push, Tanzania to Punish Parents of Children Out of School
Dar es Salaam — As Tanzania prepares to introduce free basic education for all, the government has warned that it will punish parents who fail to ensure their children go to school. In a major policy shift, primary and secondary schooling will be free ...
Dar hosts regional workshop on hotel courseDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Hockey development needs serious...



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