Amazon and eBay failing to stop Covid-19 profiteers, says Which?
Amazon and eBay failing to stop Covid-19 profiteers, says Which? The GuardianeBay and Amazon slammed for not doing enough to stop coronavirus vultures Amazon suspends 3,900 accounts accused of price gouging Boston 25 NewsAmazon kicked 3,900 sellers off its platform for price gouging - Business Insider Business InsiderAmazon is actively working with authorities to bust COVID-19 price gougers Fast CompanyView Full coverage on Google...
The Guardian
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
Dewji Blog02 Dec
Corruption on the rise in Africa poll as governments seen failing to stop it
-Transparency International estimates 75 million Africans paid a bribe in the past year
A majority of Africans say corruption has risen in the past 12 months and most governments are seen as failing in their duty to stop the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals, according to a new opinion poll from Transparency International (
In the report People and Corruption: Africa Survey 2015, part of the Global Corruption Barometer, Transparency International...
5 years ago
The Verge22 Mar
Amazon to temporarily stop shipping non-essential products in Italy and France
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The Guardian19 Mar
Air Canada failing to inform us of true exposure to Covid-19, employees claim
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Amazon imeweka kamera zinazoweza kupima Covid 19
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Amazon building COVID-19 test lab for workers
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TechCrunch18 Mar
Amazon donates $1 million to D.C. organizations helping those impacted by COVID-19 outbreak
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The Guardian11 Mar
Can a face mask stop coronavirus? Covid-19 facts checked
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Mtandao wa eBay wavamiwa
11 years ago
The company added that it had no evidence of there being unauthorized activity on its members' accounts. However, it said that changing the passwords was "best practice and will help enhance security for eBay users".