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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises

Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises  The GuardianCovid-19: 'Ibuprofen can worsen infection'  The ConnexionCoronavirus: French health minister issues warning over anti-inflammatories  The Local FranceView Full coverage on Google News

The Guardian

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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


WHO advises Africa to use Ebola response in tackling COVID-19

WHO advises Africa to use Ebola response in tackling COVID-19  Vanguard


11 years ago


France sets up anti-Islamist force

France is to set up a new military operation in the Sahel region of northern Africa in an effort to stop the emergence of jihadist groups.


5 years ago

The Citizen Daily

What hygiene, water access mean in anti-Covid-19 battle

What hygiene, water access mean in anti-Covid-19 battle  The Citizen Daily


5 years ago

ABC News

Coronavirus live updates: FDA gives anti-malaria drugs emergency approval to treat COVID-19

Coronavirus live updates: FDA gives anti-malaria drugs emergency approval to treat COVID-19  ABC NewsFrench expert says second study shows malaria drug helps fight coronavirus - The Jakarta Post  Jakarta PostMalaria medicine 'Hydroxychloroquine' being administered to 1,100 COVID19 patients in New York: Trump  Times of IndiaMedicine in use since the first wave  NST OnlineUS regulator gives anti-malaria drugs emergency approval to treat coronavirus  FRANCE 24 EnglishView Full coverage on...


10 years ago


US advises against Ebola isolation

US officials will actively monitor health workers who treat Ebola patients in West Africa after they return, but will not enforce quarantine.


11 years ago


EU advises Portugal on new credit programme

>European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said earlier this week taking a precautionary credit line would boost confidence in Portugal once it finishes its EU-IMF rescue later this year.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Embrace e-commerce: Kaymu advises


Ecommerce is commonly known as business that is conducted over the Internet using any of the applications that rely on the Internet, such as e-mail, instant messaging, social media, websites etc. This kind of trading can be between two businesses transmitting funds, goods, services or between a business and a customer. Today Technology is changing Tanzania – the way we live, work, educate ourselves, buy goods and services and transfer money are all done through the internet and the main aim...


11 years ago


Dr Mengi advises youths to use available opportunities

Dr Mengi advises youths to use available opportunities
Youth in Tanzania are again reminded and encouraged to adopt a more proactive approach to economic liberation and utilize available business opportunities in their locales. IPP Executive Chairman Dr Reginald Mengi gave the advice yesterday in Dar es ...


11 years ago


Museveni advises city protestors to go to hell

>Individuals or groups that insist on holding demonstrations in busy business areas were yesterday advised to go to hell by President Museveni even as he revealed that Uganda hired out police equipment to help prevent election violence in a neighbouring country.



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