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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Apprenticeship system in informal economy vital for poor, marginalised ...

Apprenticeship system in informal economy vital for poor, marginalised ...
The apprenticeship system in the informal economy is the most prevalent way of skills acquisition for poor and marginalised communities. Informal apprenticeships are purely workplace based. A young person learns by observation and imitation from ...


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Good plans vital for economy, says Nagu

The Minister of State in the President’s Office, Social Relations and Coordination, Dr Mary Nagu, has directed the Planning Commission to carry out an in-depth research and come up with an appropriate plan that will enable Tanzanians to participate and benefit from the gas economy.


11 years ago


Improve Dar commutter system to boost economy

 The traffic situation in Dar es Salaam, our country’s commercial capital is bad – very bad! That is the conclusion one will make even without the benefit of informed expertise in urban transport.


10 years ago


Tourism apprenticeship programme launched

Tourism apprenticeship programme launched
The International Labour Organisation has cautioned against the risk of turning apprentices into source of cheap labour but merited the value of apprenticeship programmes as vital components to skill and industry development. Speaking at the launch of a ...


9 years ago


Policy should protect marginalised groups: Report

A new report proposes that the new constitution should include laws that address the identity, promotion, and preservation of the cultures and languages of marginalised societies.


9 years ago


Policy Should Protect Marginalised Groups - Report

Policy Should Protect Marginalised Groups - Report
Dar es Salaam — A new report proposes that the new constitution should include laws that address the identity, promotion, and preservation of the cultures and languages of marginalised societies. The report also calls for the government to provide ...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Launch of certified apprenticeship program in hotel operation

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Representatives from ILO, TUCTA, ATE and HAT in a group photo with the apprentices during the launch of the programme held in Dar es Salaam on 5TH AUGUST 2014.

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The launch was coupled with the signing of MoU for the implementation of of the programme between Hotels Association of Tanzania (HAT) and National College of Tourism (NCT). Holding the MoUs are NTC Chief Executive Officer Ms Rosada Msoma (2ND R) and HAT Chairman Dr. Jonas Kipokola (2nd L). Others are (from R), ILO Director for East...


11 years ago


ECONOMY: Tanzania economy still fastest in region- report

>Tanzania maintained its place as one of 20 fastest growing economies in the world with its average growth rate of 6.9 per cent between 2005 and last calendar year, it has been reported.



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