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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Artificial intelligence used to predict which coronavirus patients are at greater risk of ARDS

Artificial intelligence used to predict which coronavirus patients are at greater risk of ARDS  EuronewsView Full coverage on Google News


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


Artificial intelligence helps prevent disruptions in fusion devices

Artificial intelligence helps prevent disruptions in fusion devices


5 years ago

NBC News

As coronavirus surges, non-COVID medical emergencies take a back seat, putting patients at risk

As coronavirus surges, non-COVID medical emergencies take a back seat, putting patients at risk  NBC News


5 years ago

Genetic Literacy Project

Targeting super bacteria with artificial intelligence yields 'powerful' discovery

Targeting super bacteria with artificial intelligence yields 'powerful' discovery  Genetic Literacy Project


5 years ago


Artificial Intelligence seen to play a significant role in driving success rate of IVF treatments

Artificial Intelligence seen to play a significant role in driving success rate of IVF treatments  MENAFN.COM


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Novartis malaria treatment Coartem® 80/480mg receives WHO prequalification, enabling greater access for patients



Dr. Linus Igwemezie, Head of the Novartis Malaria Initiative.

WHO prequalified Coartem® 80/480mg is the first and only  high strength malaria treatment available for donor-funded public sector procurement

*WHO prequalified Coartem® 80/480mg is the first and only  high strength malaria treatment available for donor-funded public sector procurement

*Coartem® 80/480mg reduces the pill burden for patients, potentially improving adherence to treatment and clinical outcomes

*This follows the...


10 years ago


Why I'll risk my life for Ebola patients

Why I'm risking my life to help people with Ebola


5 years ago

UrduPoint News

Africa at Greater COVID-19 Risk Than Developed States, Pandemic Could Be Devastating - NGO

Africa at Greater COVID-19 Risk Than Developed States, Pandemic Could Be Devastating - NGO  UrduPoint News


11 years ago


World without antibiotics? The risk is real for patients

Humans face the very real risk of a future without antibiotics, a world of plummeting life expectancy where people die from diseases easily treatable today, scientists say.


5 years ago

Sky News

Coronavirus: Why does COVID-19 pose a greater threat to men than women?

Coronavirus: Why does COVID-19 pose a greater threat to men than women?  Sky NewsIs It True That COVID-19 Is Worse For Men?  IFLScienceView Full coverage on Google News



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