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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Arusha authorities act to prevent Ebola outbreak

Arusha is bracing itself for a possible outbreak of Ebola – a deadly communicable disease with a fatality rate of up to 90 per cent.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


K’njaro authorities move to avert cholera outbreak

Kilimanjaro Region has stepped up several measures to contain cholera, a water-borne communicable disease, which has lately wreaked havoc in various regions, killing at least 100.


5 years ago

The Guardian

Coronavirus: more deaths confirmed as authorities around the world struggle to contain outbreak – latest updates

Coronavirus: more deaths confirmed as authorities around the world struggle to contain outbreak – latest updates  The Guardian


9 years ago


Authorities act to curb cholera in Busega

A number of Cholera cases in the district have increased from five to 15 after the disease broke in the district in November last year.


11 years ago


Can social media help prevent the spread of Ebola?

Trying to stem the spread of the virus using social media


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

“Beyond Ebola: a G7 agenda to help prevent future crises and enhance security in Africa”


Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier speaking at the final press conference of the G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Lübeck.(All Photos by Phototek, Berlin).

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Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy, at the panel discussion “Warm up: We are discussing foreign policy in Lübeck!”

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Bundesaussenminister; Laurent Fabius, Aussenminister von Frankreich; John Kerry, Aussenminister der USA; Philip Hammond, Aussenminister von Grossbritannien; Paolo Gentiloni, Aussenminister von Italien; Fumio Kishida, Aussenminister von Japan; Robert Nicholson, Aussenminister von Kanada; Federica Mogherini, Hohe Beauftragte der Union fuer Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Luebeck, 14.04.2015  Freigegeben fuer die kostenfreie redaktionelle Verwendung. Als Copyright ist folgende Quelle anzugeben: Auswaertiges Amt/

Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcoming Japan’s Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.

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Frank-Walter Steinmeier signing the book of...


10 years ago


Is bushmeat behind Ebola outbreak?

What role does wild animal meat play in the Ebola outbreak?


10 years ago


Ebola outbreak 'will get worse'

A top US public health official says the Ebola outbreak is set to get worse before it gets better, as West African health ministers meet in Ghana.


10 years ago


Tracing the Ebola outbreak

Tracking first Ebola victim and and how virus spread


10 years ago


Ebola: Mapping the outbreak

Mapping the outbreak in West Africa



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