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Arusha city mulls noise pollution mitigation

East African Business Week
Arusha city mulls noise pollution mitigation
East African Business Week
ARUSHA, Tanzania – City Authorities in northern Tanzania's city of Arusha last week expressed intention to ban all activities that contribute to noise pollution. For years, Arusha city dwellers have been facing laud noise from music that are used for promoting ...
Arusha city set for better taxi servicesIPPmedia

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East African Business Week

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Curb noise pollution now!

One of the things that many first-time visitors to Western countries find very strange – part of the culture shock experience – is their hosts’ revulsion for loud noise.


10 years ago


Minister: We’ll end Dar noise pollution

>The government is working on putting an end to noise pollution--which has reportedly exposed residents of Dar es Salaam and other cities to distress and physical and mental health risks.


10 years ago


Anti-noise pollution law to take effect

>Environment minister Dr Binilith Mahenge has signed into law regulations that seek to control noise and vibration levels whose excess has become a major public nuisance in Dar es Salaam and other urban centres in the country.


9 years ago


Nemc reminds citizens of law against noise pollution

The National Environment Management Council (Nemc) has issued a warning against anyone planning to conduct a public event likely to cause noise pollution to first seek relevant permits to avoid legal measures including fines.


10 years ago


EDITORIAL: Enforce noise pollution rules to benefit us all

>Tanzanian towns and cities are choked, not only by garbage; it is choked by noise too. Noise from music bars, partying households, nightclubs, motorbike taxis (bodaboda)… you name it.    That is called noise pollution. It is bad enough that bar patrons, who should be enjoying themselves, have to contend with sound levels that threaten to burst eardrums.


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Geita Gold Mine challenged over noise pollution

>The main opposition, Chadema in Geita Constituency has threatened to stage a peaceful demonstration to oppose the noise pollution produced by Geita Gold Mine (GGM).


10 years ago


Govt Mulls Shifting Land Office to Arusha

Govt Mulls Shifting Land Office to Arusha
The Government is considering relocating the Zonal Land Administration Offices, currently based in Moshi, to operate in Arusha where it seems to be mostly needed. The Minister of Land, Housing and Human Settlements, Mr William Lukuvi was of the view ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha

Govt mulls moving zonal land offices to Arusha
Daily News
THE government is considering relocating zonal land administration offices currently based in Moshi to Arusha. This was the view expressed by the Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development, Mr William Lukuvi, who said Arusha faced ...


9 years ago


AFDB Support for Safe City Water and Sewage Treatment in Tanzania Just-in-time investment as Arusha city sewerage needs become critical

The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) has today announced a loan of US $211-million to help address the urgent need for improved water and sanitation in the city of Arusha in Tanzania. The sum represents 90% of the cost of the Tanzanian Government program to alleviate the threat of major environmental and health issues and improve the quality of life for Arusha inhabitants.

Arusha city in Tanzania is a major regional hub. Since 2010, the Arusha Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority...



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