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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


As StaMiCo takes over four mining entities

After a series of unquestionably negative reports regarding the mining sector in Tanzania over the last 15 years or so, two somewhat positive developments were reported by two Dar-based newspapers on their front page - and on the same date: Sept. 1 this year!


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Stamico to take charge of four mining firms

>The government has decided to take over four private mining firms and place them under the charge of the State Mining Corporation Stamico).


10 years ago

Zitto Kabwe, MB

Tanzanian Mining companies migrating to the Mining Act 2010 and a Lusaka revolution

Tanzanian Mining companies migrating to the Mining Act 2010 and a Lusaka revolution

Judge Mark Bomani (Bomani Commission)

Judge Mark Bomani (Bomani Commission)

This weekend Tanzanians were informed (viaThe East African- Tanzania seals new tax deal with mining firms) of the decision reached by ministry of energy and minerals and one of the giant mining company in the country, Geita Gold Mine, that new royalty rates will be applicable. The agreement includes scrapping of the 15% provision on the unredeemed capital expenditure...


11 years ago


How will mining affect tourism? Tanzania gives go ahead to uranium mining in ...

How will mining affect tourism? Tanzania gives go ahead to uranium mining in ...
TANZANIA (eTN) - The Tanzanian government has agreed to allow uranium mining inside the famous Selous Game Reserve after the United Nations World Heritage Committee approved an application by the Tanzanian government to alter the boundaries of ...
Tanzania, UNDP Sign Agreement to Fight

all 3


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Leading African and global mining executives and investors announced for the 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba


The annual Investing in African Mining Indaba is the world’s preferred brand and destination in African mining

The 2015 Investing in African Mining Indaba (  taking place on 9 – 12 February 2015 in Cape Town South Africa will feature an array of globally recognised economic visionaries, mining thought leaders and some of Africa’s largest deal-makers for the approximately 7000 delegates set to arrive from...


11 years ago


Details behind thefts in financial entities

>Details of the operation of a syndicate behind the theft of  billions of shillings from commercial banks can be revealed today. Comprising dishonest employees, security personnel and civilian gangs, the syndicate is alive and operating in the country’s major cities.


10 years ago


Insure with us, NIC urges state entities

>National Insurance Corporation (NIC) has appealed to government and public institutions to use it as their insurer in order to keep it solvent.


11 years ago


Entities team up to end drugs shortage

 The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) plans to collaborate with the Medical Stores Department to curb medicine shortage in health care centres that offer services to members of the Community Health Fund.


10 years ago


Development bank to be split into 2 autonomous entities

>TIB Development Bank will soon be split into two autonomous banks, it has been disclosed here.


11 years ago


Two entities mull drive to support farmers in TZ

Two organisations have embarked on a massive campaign aimed at rallying Tanzanian farmers and the public at large towards promoting agriculture.



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