Aspirant: I’ll ensure tanzanite benefits you
Chadema aspirant for Simanjiro parliamentary seat James ole Millya has said he will ensure residents of the area benefit from tanzanite and green garnet that is extracted from the constituency.
Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen23 Mar
Termination of contracts, workers’ terminal benefits benefits of employees
There are several ways an employment contract can come to an end. It may be by way of expiry of time as in fixed term contracts, retirement, termination or dismissal.
9 years ago
Vijimambo28 Sep
Tanzanite: The hidden treasure of Tanzania We arrive at Tanzanite One on a cool September morning.
The global tanzanite market is only worth $50m
The drive from the nearest town, Arusha, was not too long, but the last stretch on a gravel road littered with ditches made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Once we got to the mine, we were given an induction and a quick briefing on the safety rules. After that we were off to the actual shaft, where we were allocated overalls, helmets and yellow plastic boots.
When I saw the contraption that would carry us 460 metres (yards) below ground,...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com17 Sep
Aspirant to Restore Use of Passports
Travelers from either side of the Union will have to carry passports to cross the Indian Ocean, Alliance for Farmers Party (AFP) Zanzibar presidential candidate Mr Said Soud Said declared here yesterday. "We need to strengthen the Union by Zanzibar ...
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com18 Aug
Party Delays to Name Its Presidential Aspirant
IT was all drama on Monday when a number of people, claiming to be members of the ACT-Wazalendo party, demonstrated to the party's headquarters in Dar es Salaam demanding Prof Kitila Mkumbo be nominated as the presidential candidate. Earlier on ...
9 years ago
TheCitizen01 Sep
Aspirant : I’ll make TZ a super power
Tanzania Labour Party (TLP) presidential candidate Macmillan Lyimo has pledged to transform Tanzania into a super power and offer free education if elected in the October 25 General Elections.
10 years ago
TheCitizen12 Jun
Third female aspirant picks up forms
Ms Monica Mbega now becomes the third woman aspirant to pick up nomination forms for presidency after veteran politician Ms Amina Salum Ali and researcher and daughter of former premier Dr Mwele Malecela
10 years ago
AllAfrica.Com23 Jun
39th Presidential Aspirant Comes Aboard
Dodoma — A DAR ES SALAAM resident, Ritha Peter Ngowi, became the 39th candidate from Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) to pick a form to seek her party's endorsement as presidential candidate. She picked the form at around 12:30 pm saying that once ...
10 years ago
TheCitizen11 Feb
JK should shed light on aspirant’s merits
Every human being has the right to think and imagine whatever he wants to imagine. Everyone has the right to draw a picture in his or her head of what he or she wants to be or of what he or she wants others to be. It is an undeniable right.
9 years ago
TheCitizen02 Oct
Whereabouts of ACT aspirant still unknown
The opposition ACT-Wazalendo’s Bariadi West aspirant Masunga Nghezo is still missing for the fifth day, Simiyu Regional Police Commander Gemini Mushi said yesterday. Mr Nghezo went missing from his home on Monday and efforts to locate him were futile as of yesterday evening. RPC Mushi said, without giving further details, that they were still investigating the matter.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania