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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Astronomers are watching an exoplanet die right before their eyes

Astronomers are watching an exoplanet die right before their eyes  BGR


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago


For The First Time, Astronomers Have Detected an Exoplanet Using Radio Waves

For The First Time, Astronomers Have Detected an Exoplanet Using Radio Waves  ScienceAlert


5 years ago


A Star's Auroras Light the Way to a New Exoplanet

A Star's Auroras Light the Way to a New Exoplanet  WIRED


5 years ago

Science Times

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet

It's Raining Iron on a Distant Exoplanet  Science TimesAstronomers discover scorching hot planet where it rains liquid iron  CBS NewsThe strange planet where it rains iron  Boing BoingNewly discovered exoplanet has very unusual weather, astronomers say  AccuWeather.comSo Metal: This Exoplanet Rains Droplets of Molten Iron  Popular MechanicsView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


This new exoplanet is so hot it rains liquid metal

This new exoplanet is so hot it rains liquid metal  BGRYour Umbrella is Insufficient on a Planet Where it Rains Iron  Universe TodayAn exoplanet that rains iron  Advanced Science NewsResearchers Discover Faraway Planet Where The Rain Is Made Of Iron  HuffPostIron rain on exoplanet is driven by huge extremes in temperature  physicsworld.comView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago

The Guardian

Scientists identify rain of molten iron on distant exoplanet

Scientists identify rain of molten iron on distant exoplanet  The GuardianIt Could Rain Iron on This Hellish Exoplanet  Gizmodo‘Double-Sided’ Alien Planet Found Where It ‘Rains Iron’ In A Forever Night  ForbesMolten iron rain falls through the skies of scorching-hot exoplanet  Space.comScientists discover planet where it rains iron  The IndependentView Full coverage on Google News


5 years ago


Earth's cousins: Upcoming missions to look for 'biosignatures' in exoplanet atmospheres

Earth's cousins: Upcoming missions to look for 'biosignatures' in exoplanet atmospheres


11 years ago


Are we just watching S.Sudan become another Rwanda?

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” –


9 years ago


EDITORIAL: ‘Magufuli-watching-me’ mentality can’t help us ‘

President John Magufuli’s hands-on approach has become a lively talking point and has perplexed many people. Instead of taking a short holiday to cool off after a very gruelling cross-country election campaign, they observe, Dr Magufuli swung into action shortly after being sworn in as Tanzania’s fifth president a week ago.


10 years ago


Don’t let your child spend hours watching TV

Research has shown that the years from zero to two are the most critical for your infant’s brain development. His language and vocabulary, his (picture) reading skills and his short-term memory start to develop in this age space.



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