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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


AU envoy urge women to participate in Elections

Women have been urged to strategize and increase their representation in government, judiciary and other public and private institutions.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Encourage women participate in politics, scribes urged

Encourage women participate in politics, scribes urged
Daily News
ACTIVISTS in Zanzibar have urged the media to encourage women participate in politics and get ready to be voted into government during the next general election. Activists from Ulingo Platform, Jumuia ya Wanawake Wenye Ulemavu Zanzibar (JUWAUZA) ...


10 years ago

International Business Times

Tanzania Elections 2015: Politicians Urge Against Witchcraft To Win Polls Amid ...

International Business Times
Tanzania Elections 2015: Politicians Urge Against Witchcraft To Win Polls Amid ...
International Business Times
At least 75 people with albinism, including children, have reportedly been murdered in Tanzania since 2000. Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images. The Tanzanian government urged politicians against seeking witchcraft to widen their chances of winning the ...
Tanzanian MPs warned off witchcraft ahead of electionsYahoo! Maktoob News
Tanzanian politicians warned off...


10 years ago


UN rights experts urge Tanzania to prevent discrimination against women

UN rights experts urge Tanzania to prevent discrimination against women
[JURIST] The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women [official website] on Wednesday urged Tanzania [press release] to enforce its international obligations to prevent discrimination against women. The call comes after two women ...
Widows' eviction highlights need to abolish Tanzania's discriminatory laws, UN ...Big News
Widows' eviction highlights need to abolish or amend...


10 years ago


Inspiring Women to Contest in Upcoming Elections

Inspiring Women to Contest in Upcoming Elections
Zanzibar — Women in Tanzania like in many developing countries, have always been in the forefront in building democracy. They remain active in all political activities including public rallies, demonstrations, and in elections. Arguably, in the latest visible ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Women political leaders consult on elections

Women political leaders consult on elections
Daily News
WOMEN leaders from various political parties held a meeting in Zanzibar to encourage participation in elections as they called on the authorities to establish a level playing field for all the people. Representatives from CCM, CUF, CHADEMA, ADC, TLP, ...


10 years ago


Advocates women participation in elections, business

Advocates women participation in elections, business
President Jakaya Kikwete has said empowering and giving equal opportunities to women is not nepotism but their due right. Speaking at the International Women Day celebrations observed at a national level in Morogoro Region, President Kikwete said ...


10 years ago


Women Out to Beat Men in Coming Elections

Women Out to Beat Men in Coming Elections
Zanzibar — LITTLE known young politician Fatma Omar Haji has ambition to become a president one day. "I know it isn't all that simple, but I am motivated. I believe I can, and we want playing ground levelled," says Haji. The future politician revealed her ...
Political parties express sympathy for Zanzibar flood victimsDaily News

all 3


10 years ago


Financial constraints undermine women's participation in elections

Financial constraints undermine women's participation in elections
In this regard, women in North Unguja are calling on the public to vote for leaders based on their credibility and performance merits instead of wealth status which they allege is the current case. The call was issued at a one day meeting held at Gamba in ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Zanzibar women need capacity building for general elections

Zanzibar women need capacity building for general elections
Daily News
WOMEN in Zanzibar are lobbying for capacity building, a move they have described crucial in enabling them participate actively in the forthcoming general elections. The call for help was echoed by community women groups when they gathered to share ...



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