
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Bank urges TZ in the Diaspora to return home

Exim Bank has urged Tanzanians in the diaspora to come back to help in the building of the nation, saying the country now has good employers who will meet their requirements.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Senegal’s Wade to return home

Senegal’s former president Abdoulaye Wade was due to return home today after two years abroad following his election defeat, with his son facing jail for corruption.


10 years ago


20 more Tanzanians to return home from S.Africa this week.

20 more Tanzanians to return home from S.Africa this week.
The government has said the twenty Tanzanians who sought shelter at the Hillbrough camp in Johannesburg, South Africa are safe and will be repatriated later this week . The first batch of 26 Tanzanians who were living in SA returned home on Saturday last ...
More Tanzanians fleeing SA violence expected soonDaily News

all 3


10 years ago


Somalia refugees to return home in weeks, says UN

>About 2,500 refugees living in the Dadaab camp are set to be relocated to Somalia by the end of October. The repatriation is part of an agreement signed last year between Kenya, Somalia and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).


10 years ago


SPECIAL REPORT: Many fleeing Burundi have no wish to return home

If you ask a Burundian refugee who has recently arrived in Tanzania when they plan to return home, there’s a good chance that the answer will be, “I don’t.” Now a cholera outbreak on the border has made the journey all the more dangerous.


11 years ago

Accrington Observer

Bon voyage as Bethany girls return home

Accrington Observer
Bon voyage as Bethany girls return home
Accrington Observer
About 160 people turned out to a farewell party for two girls, Jesca and Emma, who are returning to Tanzania to work as volunteer teachers after completing their teacher training with the Bethany Project. Share; Share; Tweet; +1; Email. Jesca and Emma from ...


9 years ago


VIDEO: Ghanaian man given taxi to return home

EU leaders are expected to offer countries in Africa billions of euros in exchange for help with the migrant crisis at a summit in Malta.


10 years ago

Daily News

Diaspora challenged to invest in home country

Diaspora challenged to invest in home country
Daily News
TANZANIANS in diaspora should use the availability of different opportunities in the country instead of living abroad as immigrants. Because of their economic development potential to the country, it is the opportune time for them to develop a culture of ...


10 years ago


Kali TV GO, Home of African Diaspora content

Visit Kali TV GO, home of online diaspora content.


10 years ago


Tanzanian girls return home after fleeing genital cutting

Tanzanian girls return home after fleeing genital cutting
Some 643 Tanzanian girls who escaped female genital mutilation (FGM) in the district and gathered at one rescue centre, are expected to leave the camp soon. Allafrica. TARIME. Police Commander for Tarime Special Police Zone, Benedict Mambosasa, has ...
Tanzanian girls escape from genital mutilationThe New Age Online

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