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Be courageous, media challenged

Daily News
Be courageous, media challenged
Daily News
MINISTER of Labour and Employment, Ms Gaudentia Kabaka, on Friday launched the Tanzania Media Fund (TMF) fellowship programme' with a call for journalists to be courageous, objective, creative, and make thorough investigations for a stable nation ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


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5 years ago

Bandera County Courier

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix

Global Media Monitoring Tools Market Analysis 2020 Digimind, Boomerang, Kantar Media CIC, NoLimit, iSentia, Synthesio, Dialogix  Bandera County Courier


10 years ago

Daily News

Students challenged to keep abreast

Students challenged to keep abreast
Daily News
STUDENTS taking procurement and supplies courses have been challenged to keep abreast of new developments in the field and familiarise themselves with roles and functions of various bodies involved in their profession. The challenge was issued in Dar ...


11 years ago


Budget should be challenged in court

The budget session, which is arguably the most important sitting of the National Assembly this time around, commenced on May 6. The cast is much of the lot that bungled the other political performance which had been postponed to August.


10 years ago


Businessmen challenged to go beyond the borders

Traders in the country have been urged to extend their operations to other East African countries in order to tap abundant business opportunities available out there.


11 years ago


Investors challenged on maids’ education

The government has challenged investors to establish a training institution that will offer necessary skills to house helps in the country in a bid to promote the sector.


10 years ago

Daily News

Students challenged to aim high

Daily News
Students challenged to aim high
Daily News
PREVAILING peace in the country should be promoted and protected by students at all levels through effective pursuance of studies, Ambassador Augustine Mahiga has advised. Dr Mahiga, gracing Form Four graduation at Ghomme Girls Secondary School ...
Deputy Education Minister, Jenista MhagamaIPPmedia

all 2


10 years ago


BRN champions challenged to deliver

NEW staffs employed to monitor implementation of the Big Results Now (BRN) Programme have been challenged to do away with the tendency of working in business as usual model.
The call was issued yesterday in Dar es Salaam by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President's Delivery Bureau (PDB) which oversees the BRN Programme, Mr. Peniel Lyimo during the opening of the First Annual Strategic BRN Staff Retreat in Dar es Salaam.
The meeting which will include presentations on the one year...


11 years ago


Citizenship based on marriage challenged

Citizenship based on marriage challenged
Beware of passing laws that grant citizenship to foreigners basing on marital reasons, a woman Member of Parliament warned in the Constituent Assembly (CA) in Dodoma this week. Riziki Lulida, Special Seats for Lindi (CCM), called upon fellow CA ...



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