
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Boarding school or not

When I was growing up going to boarding school at a certain point of one’s life was a given. Many of us upon finishing primary school were enrolled into some boarding school of sorts. Things have changed greatly these days and I find myself pondering the question whether to take my children to boarding school or not.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


When parents place their babies in boarding school

Joseph* is a five-year-old boy who currently attends Martin Luther School in Dodoma. His grandmother decided that boarding school was a better place for him because his parents were going through marital problems which were affecting Joseph’s wellbeing.


10 years ago


Leaving the comfort of home for boarding school

>The holiday season is over and another academic year is upon us.  It’s the time of the year when many young students enter the next phase of  their educational journey by stepping into new classrooms or schools.


11 years ago


Keep your children close, boarding is not the best

We may have no official figures on the number of Tanzanian kids who are sent to boarding schools early, some of them reportedly as young as three, but we have to ask: Why have them at all if you are not going to have a meaningful relationship with them?


11 years ago


Shock of 3-year-olds in boarding schools

>Some parents in Tanzania are sending children as young as three to boarding schools. This emerging trend denies the children much needed love and comfort, which can only be found at home.


11 years ago


Revive boarding schools for pastoralist children: appeal

Babati. A call has been made to re-introduce boarding schools in pastoralist areas in order to save children from travelling long distances to and from school.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Aydin Logistics donates 100 school desks to the Vingunguti Primary School


Ms. Esra Esriti Managing Director of Aydin logistics joined by The Ambassador of Turkey to Tanzania Mr. Ali Davudoglu and Vingunguti primary school officials Mr. Calist Chuwa during the handover of the desks at Vingunguti.


Students of Vingunguti primary school sitting down during the donation ceremony.

The education system in Tanzania has been criticized however there are various efforts put in place to reform the sector by both the government and the private corporation.  Consequently,...


9 years ago

ABC Online

Revisiting the School of St Jude, the Tanzanian high school Australians helped ...

ABC Online
Revisiting the School of St Jude, the Tanzanian high school Australians helped ...
ABC Online
As a journalist, it is not often you get to see a tangible example of the effect your work can have. Sometimes you hope that a particular story will achieve something — expose an injustice or bring about much-needed change, but most of the time, the ...


11 years ago


Uhuru warns school heads against increasing school fees

President Uhuru Kenyatta has warned public schools against increasing school fees arbitrarily.



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