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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Boost access to health care, govt urged

The out-of-pocket payment (OOP) system, which is mostly used by patients who are not covered by health insurance schemes, took centre stage at a recent national health conference in Dar es Salaam.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Govt urged to ease access to legal services

Govt urged to ease access to legal services
Daily News
THE government has been asked to institute simple procedures at police stations and courts if it really wants to minimize incidents of child and women abuse in the country. The call was made by Ms Saada Salum Mussa from the Zanzibar Female Lawyers' ...


10 years ago


Take care of tourism to boost the economy

News that a drop in the number of tourists visiting Tanzania Mainland is threatening Zanzibar’s economy is disturbing but not quite surprising.


10 years ago


Major boost for contraceptives access drive

The campaign to achieve universal access to contraceptives to the neediest women in the world got a shot in the arm last week with an agreement between three major players to expand access in 69 countries including Tanzania.


9 years ago


Magufuli: My dream is to boost access to water

Magufuli: My dream is to boost access to water
The CCM presidential candidate Dr John Magufuli has said the fifth phase government would bring tangible strategies to connect Bunda residents with clean and safe water in a bid to ease the shortages that has faced the residents since independence.


9 years ago

Daily News | The National Newspaper (Press Release) (Blog)

Zanzibaris urged to care for elderly

Zanzibaris urged to care for elderly
Daily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
THE public needs to ensure that the elderly are well cared for, the Zanzibar Elderly Association Secretary Ms Salama Kombo Ahmed said in Stone Town as the world prepares to mark the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP), observed on October 1, ...


9 years ago


Lowassa for ‘free health care’

The Chadema presidential candidate, who is backed by the Defenders of the People’s Constitution (Ukawa), Edward Lowassa, has promised that his government will provide free medical services to elderly people and under five years old children.


9 years ago


Toward availing health care for all in Africa

Health is widely considered to be a fundamental human right, yet the sad truth is that far too many people around the world still do not have access to basic health care. Millions of Africans in particular are unable to access or afford the services they need to survive and thrive without incurring financial hardship.


10 years ago

Daily News

Holders urged to handle passports with care

Daily News
Holders urged to handle passports with care
Daily News
THE increase in lost passport cases worrying the Tanzania Immigration Services, which has come out in the open to remind holders to ensure safe custody of the vital travel document lest it falls into the hands of international criminals and endanger national ...


9 years ago


Philips launches new range of patient monitors in Tanzania designed to provide access to high quality care at affordable costs

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG AEX: PHIA) has announced the launch of its Efficia CM Series patient monitors in Tanzania – these cost effective products are designed to provide clinicians with access to high-quality of care, even in resource-limited facilities. These solutions highlight Philips’ commitment to enhance access and enable quality care across the health continuum – from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment, recovery and home care, including in remote areas.
“As we...



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