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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Botswana prisons lose HIV drugs case

Botswana's court of appeal upholds a ruling that foreign prisoners should receive free treatment for HIV/Aids, rights lawyers say.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Anyone with HIV should get ART drugs, says WHO

The demand for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the country will now more than double after the World Health Organisation reckoned Tanzania and other countries to urgently scale up the number of people eligible for the life-long medications, ARVs.


9 years ago


Mbeya City lose again as Toto, Prisons win

Toto African, Stand United and Tanzania Prisons yesterday recorded wins to secure three crucial points in the ongoing Vodacom Premier League.


11 years ago


Early HIV drugs 'may not stop virus'

HIV can rapidly form invulnerable strongholds in the body, dashing hopes that early treatment might cure the virus, according to new research.


11 years ago


'HIV drugs boost' SA life expectancy

Life expectancy in South Africa has increased dramatically over the last decade mainly thanks to life-saving Aids drugs, a government report says.


5 years ago

Medical Xpress

Newer anti-HIV drugs safest, most effective during pregnancy

Newer anti-HIV drugs safest, most effective during pregnancy  Medical Xpress


9 years ago


UN fights high HIV/Aids rates in SADC prisons

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) have launched a joint Regional Programme entitled: Promoting Human Rights and Access to Health Services in Prisons in Southern Africa.


11 years ago


Drugs case raises eyebrows

The Police Force has said it suspects an attempt by attorneys here to secure bail for two suspected drug dealers.


11 years ago


Fake ARV Drugs Case for Hearing

Fake ARV Drugs Case for Hearing
THE Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court starts hearing the alleged fake ARV drugs case involving Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Chairman, Dar es Salaam Region, Ramadhani Madabida and five others. This development comes after Resident Magistrate ...


11 years ago

Daily News

Fake ARV drugs case ready for hearing

Daily News
Fake ARV drugs case ready for hearing
Daily News
THE prosecution has completed the investigations into the alleged fake ARV drugs case involving Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Chairman, Dar es Salaam Region, Ramadhani Madabida and five others, pending at Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court.



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