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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Brave mother of albino baby recovering

Brave mother of albino baby recovering
Daily News
THE mother of a kidnapped child with albinism, Ms Esther Thomas, has confirmed that her condition is getting better at the Bugando Medical Centre (BMC) where she is admitted after sustaining severe injuries, while protecting her child from the abductors.

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Mother of abducted child with albinism recovering well, says Bugando doctor

Mother of abducted child with albinism recovering well, says Bugando doctor
Esther Thomas, mother of the abducted child, is reported to be getting better at the Bugando Medical Centre where she is admitted after sustaining severe injuries, while she was trying to protect her child from the abductors. The mother (30) of a one-year baby ...
Albino Toddler Murdered For 'Lucky' Body PartsSky News
Tanzanian gangs hack off limbs of albinos for traditional ritualsLos Angeles Times


10 years ago

Daily News

Pemba mother of eight buries newborn baby

Pemba mother of eight buries newborn baby
Daily News
POLICE in Zanzibar have arrested a 40-year-old mother of eight children who recently buried her newborn baby in Mapofu village, Micheweni district in Pemba North region. The woman, identified as Faida Mohammed, reportedly gave birth to a baby almost ...


9 years ago


Mother held for 'Gumtree baby sale'

A 20-year-old woman is due to appear in a South African court for allegedly trying to sell her child for 5,000 rand ($380; £250) on advertising website Gumtree.


11 years ago

Daily News

Teenage mother dumps newborn baby at sea

Teenage mother dumps newborn baby at sea
Daily News
POLICE in Zanzibar have launched a manhunt for a woman who dumped her newborn baby at sea, at Nungwi area, North of Unguja. Fishermen recovered the body from sea, as the news spread with residents strongly condemning the act. “It seems the ...


11 years ago


Mother's fatal bullet hit Kenya baby

A baby who had a bullet lodged in his head during Sunday's attack on a church near Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa is flown to the capital Nairobi for treatment.


9 years ago


South African mother's baby swap anguish

A mother's anguish after babies in South Africa swapped forever


10 years ago


Was albino baby stolen for witchcraft?
Was albino baby stolen for witchcraft?
AN ALBINO toddler has been kidnapped in northern Tanzania raising fears he may be killed and his body parts used for witchcraft. Unknown attackers broke into the house and slashed the child's mother with machetes before snatching the ...
Tanzanian albino toddler seized in feared witchcraft attackDaily Mail

all 9


10 years ago

Daily Mail

Mutilated Tanzanian albino baby body found: police

Daily Mail
Mutilated Tanzanian albino baby body found: police
Daily Mail
The mutilated body of an albino toddler has been found in Tanzania with his limbs hacked off, just days after he was taken by machete wielding kidnappers looking to make money from a sick black market trade fueled by a belief in witchcraft. Yohana Bahati's ...
Tanzania: Albino baby found mutilatedNews24
Tanzanian albino boy found mutilatedBBC News
Tanzania: Albinism under Attack from TraditionPress TV
Yahoo News UK
all 38


10 years ago

The Japan Times

Tanzanian albino baby abducted by witch doctors for his body parts is found dead
Tanzanian albino baby abducted by witch doctors for his body parts is found dead
The Japan Times
DAR ES SALAAM – Tanzanian police have found the mutilated body of a 1-year-old albino boy whose abduction renewed calls for tougher action to stop the killing of albinos for their body parts, which are prized in black magic. An armed gang snatched ...
1-year-old Albino Found Dead, Missing Arms and Legs in TanzaniaNews Every day
Abducted Tanzanian albino boy found dead with limbs...



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