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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Business formalisation to avoid hassles: govt

The government has called upon operators of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to formalise their businesses.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Vibindo’s call on business formalisation

To be or not to be, is a question that small business owners ask themselves directly or indirectly when they consider whether to formalise their operations or not.


11 years ago


Call to hasten business formalisation for smes

Tanzania could significantly reduce its donor dependency if the government will encourage formalization of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) present in the country, it has been said.


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Industrialisation: will govt end toy imports?

In My Book of Things, it’s never too late to take a bite or two at a mouth-watering cherry – especially one that’s invitingly dangled before one’s eyes! But, this time round, the cherry I have in mind isn’t the plum-like fruit of the ‘Prunus’ genus that’s so beloved of folk in ‘developed’ countries...


11 years ago


Govt can do more to avoid protests

Govt can do more to avoid protests
The government through the National Development Corporation (NDC) is proceeding with the development of the controversial Engaruka basin soda ash project despite complaints from residents in the area that they were not involved in the matter. The huge ...


11 years ago


Govt must make doing business much easier

The outgoing executive director of the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) has a point that should be taken more seriously by those in government.


11 years ago


Govt on ‘the right track to improve business climate’

The Tanzania private sector says it sees commitment in the government’s initiatives to improve the business environment in the country.


9 years ago


Improve business climate, govt urged

President Jakaya Kikwete and his government’s senior officials yesterday met members of the private sector to deliberate on ways of improving the business climate as businesses cry of operating in an unfriendly environment.


10 years ago

Daily News

Govt urged to ease cost of doing business

Govt urged to ease cost of doing business
Daily News
THE government should immediately address numerous checkpoints hampering the country's efforts in bolstering cross border trade by increasing costs of doing business. The call was made here by Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, ...


11 years ago


DITF: Govt to split up TIB in bid to draw Big Business

Plans are afoot by the government to divide the TIB Development Bank (formerly Tanzania Investment Bank), into two different arms so as to improve its efficiency.



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