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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Business people advised on foreign languages

Business people advised on foreign languages
Daily News
BUSINESS people need to realise that learning a foreign language helps in connecting better with their clientele much as it gives insights into their culture, traditions and professions. This was said over the weekend by the Acting Vice-Chancellor of the Open ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

TAA staff to train in foreign languages

TAA staff to train in foreign languages
Daily News
IN a bid to overcome the language barrier, the Ministry of Transport plans to provide the Tanzania Airport Authority (TAA) staff with an opportunity to learn more international languages to strengthen service delivery to foreign passengers at the airports.


11 years ago


Hold regular sessions, Dar Business Council advised

Hold regular sessions, Dar Business Council advised
Members of Dar es Salaam Region Business Council have been urged to unite and strengthen their organ for effective running of affairs so as to benefit the city and the country at large. The Chairman of the Council, Said Meck Sadick, who doubles as the Dar ...
Dar Business Council revitalizedDaily News

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10 years ago

Daily News

Mwanza business people contented over licence issuance

Mwanza business people contented over licence issuance
Daily News
MWANZA Regional authorities have responded positively to the call by members of the business community, who requested for issuance of licences in the districts as opposed to the present arrangement. The move comes as a response to the advise by the ...


9 years ago


Business People Set to Meet Presidential Aspirants on Friday

Business People Set to Meet Presidential Aspirants on Friday
More than 1,000 business people are on Friday expected to meet with presidential aspirants from various political parties in an economic forum to be held in Dar es Salaam. Explaining about the forum in Dar es Salaam, Chairperson of Tanzania Business ...


5 years ago

Business Insider

People linking COVID-19 to 5G conspiracy in UK apparently cause damage - Business Insider

People linking COVID-19 to 5G conspiracy in UK apparently cause damage - Business Insider  Business InsiderBirmingham and Merseyside masts torched over 5G coronavirus claims  BBC NewsBroadband engineers threatened due to 5G coronavirus conspiracies  The GuardianU.K. debunks 5G-coronavirus link after conspiracy theorists burn cell tower  VentureBeat5G Masts Set On Fire Amid Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories  LADbibleView Full coverage on Google News


11 years ago


American People Partner with Dar Teknohama Business Incubator to Pilot Program to Enhance Technological Skills for Tanzanian Youth

The United States Department of State in partnership with the Dar Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi) and CoderDojo launched a two-month pilot program to teach 50 primary school-aged youth 21st century computer technology skills through a new initiative called afriCoderDojo. In the photo the DTBi Chief Executive Officer Eng. George Mulamula speaks to the audience on launching the programme held yesterday at the COSTECH Building in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The program is first of its kind...


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS : Study shows there’s good business in human waste!

Today is World Toilet Day… Cheers! The banner ‘Toilets save lives’ might sound mundane, far-fetched... Or, at best: a smart-alecky trader’s way of drawing attention to toilet-related ware be fobbed off upon unwary prospective customers…! 


9 years ago


YOUR BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS: Retiring from Tanzania’s presidency is good business

Seemingly for the umpteenth time, Tanzania’s major partners-in-development have come out in lavish praise for what they described as peaceful, stable transition from one govt to another.


10 years ago

Language Magazine

Tonal Languages Use Both Sides of the Brain

Language Magazine
Tonal Languages Use Both Sides of the Brain
Language Magazine
523016973 Language learning and processing is usually dominated by the left side of the brain, which is adept at tasks that involve logic and analytical thinking. However, in a recent study that mapped brain information flow while processing intelligible ...



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