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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Businessman in dispute with british firm over gas blocs seeks court reliefs

 A Tanzanian businessman, suing a leading oil and gas exploration firm Ophir Energy over interests in three gas blocs, has asked the High Court to disregard a judgment of an English court in deciding his case.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Businessman accuses gas firms of 'frog marching' him

Businessman accuses gas firms of 'frog marching' him
Daily News
TANZANIAN businessman Moto Mabanga has accused some officials from three foreign companies, Ophir Energy PLC, Ophir Services PTY Limited and British Gas of frog marching him to surrender his shares in three disputed offshore gas blocks in Mtwara ...


11 years ago


Dar Businessman Appeals in Landmark Gas Case

Dar Businessman Appeals in Landmark Gas Case
THE landmark oil and gas blocks case, that will set a precedent in the two energy sectors in Tanzania, has taken a new twist following a move by businessman Moto Mabanga accusing a British judge of being biased in the matter. English Justice, Andrew ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Gas firms suffer setback in case with Dar businessman

Gas firms suffer setback in case with Dar businessman
Daily News
THREE foreign gas exploration companies have lost their first legal battle in the case lodged by Tanzanian businessman, Moto Mabanga in a bid to protect his interests in three gas blocks situated off shore in Mtwara Region. This followed a decision by Judge ...


11 years ago


Businessman Files for Reverse of Decision in Landmark Gas Case

Businessman Files for Reverse of Decision in Landmark Gas Case
BUSINESSMAN Moto Mabanga has filed an application, requesting the High Court's Commercial Division to vacate its order for determination of the landmark gas blocks case, whose determination would set precedent in the energy sector in Tanzania. April 1 ...


10 years ago


Chinese firm in school land dispute

Residents of Magamba Village are accusing the China Railway Seventh Group Ltd, a Chinese construction company, of invading village land, turning it into a site for extracting construction materials without getting permission from the owner of the plot.


11 years ago

Daily News

Court jails Dar businessman for six months

Court jails Dar businessman for six months
Daily News
THE High Court in Dar es Salaam has committed to jail for six months, as civil prisoner, a prominent businessman, Aliraza Mohamed Manji, for failure to honour an order for distribution of matrimonial properties with his former wife, Sukaina Ally Mohamed.


10 years ago

Daily News

Court throws out businessman's contempt appeal

Court throws out businessman's contempt appeal
Daily News
THE Court of Appeal has dmsed an application by a businessman, Awadhi Ally Abdallah, seeking to challenge an order for him to show the reason he should not be committed to pron for contempt of court. Justices Steven Bwana, William Mandia and Ibrahim ...


9 years ago


Dar Court Throws Out Businessman Objection

Dar Court Throws Out Businessman Objection
The Kisutu Resident Magistrate's Court in Dar es Salaam yesterday dismissed the objection presented by prominent businessman Marijani Abubakar, alias Papaa Msofe, for stay of proceedings of his new case involving forgery of transfer of right of ...


10 years ago


Shell acquires British Gas for $70bn

Tanzania’s dream of being the first country in East and Central Africa to have a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant may take longer than expected following yesterday’s move by one of the key partners in the planned project to be acquired by a Dutch firm.



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