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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA approves amendments to House Standing Orders

Daily News
CA approves amendments to House Standing Orders
Daily News
THE Constituent Assembly (CA) overwhelmingly approved amendments of its Standing Orders on Friday, among other things, extending the days for the CA committees to discuss the constitution draft. After approving the standing orders early in the morning ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


#Katiba House out for the day, and still ‘no dice’ on Standing Orders [VIDEO]

Interim Chair Pandu Ameir Kificho had to send delegates away midday after it became clear they would not be ratifying many of the contentious clauses of the Constituent Assembly’s proposed ‘House Rules’.


11 years ago


Katiba reps call for political ‘concessions’ as House stays divided over standing orders [VIDEO]

NCCR-Mageuzi legislator James Mbatia says Katiba delegates have to find a way to reach some form of political consensus before the Assembly begins reviewing the 2nd Katiba Draft.


11 years ago


TPBC approves new amendments

TPBC approves new amendments
The Tanzania Professional Boxing Commission (TPBC) members approved almost all constitutional amendments which were tabled at the meeting held in Dar es Salaam last Sunday and presided over by the interim President, Chaurembo Palasa. TPBC had ...


11 years ago

Daily News

CA makes changes to Standing Orders

Daily News
CA makes changes to Standing Orders
Daily News
CONSTITUENT Assembly (CA) made changes to its Standing Orders, in a move that has now given equal time to both majority and minority to table their reports. The move has also brought a practice of the minority to be obliged to present their report and not ...


11 years ago


CA endorses standing orders

CA endorses standing orders
The Constituent Assembly (CA) mid this week, finally endorsed the Standing Orders to be applied by both members and the chairman in presiding parliamentary activities for 70 days. The 87 sections of the rules were passed by CA members' on Tuesday ...


11 years ago

Daily News

CA Standing Orders 'to include all views'

Daily News
CA Standing Orders 'to include all views'
Daily News
THE Chairman of the Special Committee on Constituent Assembly Standing Orders, Prof Costa Mahalu, has allayed fears by members that some of the opinions raised were not included in the draft orders. Prof Mahalu told journalists outside the Parliament ...
Constituent Assembly to endorse regulationsIPPmedia
Zanzibar House Group Denies Trumping Three-Tier

all 7


11 years ago


3 weeks spent on drafting standing orders

>Although members of the Constituent Assembly (CA) have been in Dodoma for three weeks now, they are yet to start the agenda which brought them here.


11 years ago


Work on Standing Orders ends today

The Constituent Assembly (CA) is today set to conclude working on the Draft Standing Orders after the Reconciliation Committee requested for more time to work on two proposed regulations.


11 years ago


Amendment of standing orders observed CA rules

Amendment of standing orders observed CA rules - Lukuvi
Minister of State Prime Minister's Office (Policy, Co-ordination and Parliamentary Affairs) William Lukuvi yesterday said that standing orders which were amended in the absence of members of the Coalition of People's Constitution (Ukawa) observed the ...



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