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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CA touts peoplefriendly Katiba

Daily News
CA touts peoplefriendly Katiba
Daily News
AS the 12 committees of the Constituent Assembly (CA) finalise discussions on the Second Draft Constitution, CA Chairperson Samuel Sitta has assured Tanzanians that the assembly would ensure it comes up with a peoplefriendly constitution. “It is obvious ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Mufti touts registration for Katiba referendum

Mufti touts registration for Katiba referendum
Daily News
THE Mufti of Tanzania, Alhaj Shaabani Issa Simba, has clarified his position on the legitimacy of the Proposed Constitution, saying that even if the document contained some shortcomings, there was always a room to improve it. “It is human nature that nothing ...


10 years ago

Daily News

Minter touts support for the youth

Daily News
Minter touts support for the youth
Daily News
THE government has called on financial institutions to support youths in the country through a programme known as Youth Business Tanzania (YBT), to enable them access loans to establh businesses. Minter of State, Prime Minter's Office (Investment and ...
Financial institutions urged to support youth businessesIPPmedia

all 4


10 years ago


CRDB touts Sim banking

>A substantial investment in technology has helped commercial banks to reach a number of unbanked Tanzanians, a prominent banker has said.


10 years ago


Judicial body touts Arusha

The Hague. The African Foundation for International Law says it is keen to see Arusha becoming an important judicial centre for Africa through setting up a high level training centre for lawyers.


9 years ago

East African Business Week

Envoy touts Swiss ingenuity to EAC

East African Business Week
Envoy touts Swiss ingenuity to EAC
East African Business Week
THANK YOU: Amb. Mattli receives a gift to mark his presentation of credentials to EAC Secretary General Amb. Sezibera in Arusha last week. ARUSHA, Tanzania - Switzerland, one of the most prosperous countries in the world, owes its position to sustained ...


11 years ago


Firm touts 4G internet service in Tanzania

>Huawei, a global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider said it is talking with local mobile phone operators to provide them with fourth generation (4G) internet.


11 years ago


Govt touts new ways of sourcing capital

Venture capital and private equity approaches have been hailed as initiatives that will substantially contribute to further strengthening the country’s private sector, the government has said.


10 years ago


Tanzania Touts Suspects' Human Rights

Tanzania Touts Suspects' Human Rights
TANZANIA will lead African countries to implement the Luanda Guidelines geared towards improvement of the human rights of suspects and detainees, the Commission of Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) has said. Luanda Guidelines are a ...


9 years ago


Tobacco buyer touts sustainable production

Tobacco buyer, Philip Morris International (PMI), is ramping up efforts to implement its Sustainable Tobacco Production model among Tanzania’s 65,000 contracted tobacco-growing families.



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