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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CAG decries competence in his office

CAG decries competence in his office
Daily News
THE culture of engaging and involving mass media and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in helping the public understand the duties of the Controller and Auditor General (CAG) is crucial, otherwise reports generated by the office would remain in the ...

Daily News

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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Daily News

Competence approach boosts students' performance

Competence approach boosts students' performance
Daily News
THE competence based as opposed to knowledge base syllabi approach has boosted students' performance and increased pass mark. This was said in Dar es Salaam yesterday by the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) Executive Director, ...


10 years ago


Teachers' Competence Framework Key for Quality Education

Teachers' Competence Framework Key for Quality Education
IN recent years, it has been observed that some pupils who finish primary education don't have reading, writing and Mathematics skills. Based on this challenging reality, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in collaboration with other stakeholders in ...
Teachers told to design relevant local teaching aidsDaily News

all 6


11 years ago

Tariff Barriers...

EABC decries non

New Vision
EABC decries non-tariff barriers...
New Vision
The continued imposing of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) by the East African Community (EAC) member states is limiting the growth of the private sector and slowing down integration, experts have said. The East African Business Council (EABC) on Friday urged ...
EA business council to hold annual general meet in ArushaDaily News

all 2


10 years ago


Court hears an appeal on alleged failure by Uganda, Kenya and Burundi to make individual Country declarations in acceptance of the competence of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

 eacj-press-banner.jpgThe East African Court of Justice Appellate Division heard an appeal filed by the Democratic Party (Appellant) against the Secretary General of the East African Community (EAC) (1st Respondent) and the Attorneys General of the Republics of Uganda (2nd Respondent), Kenya (3rd Respondent), Rwanda (4th Respondent) and Burundi (5th Respondent).
The matter appeals the decision of the First Instance Division of 26th November 2013 dismissing the case. The case principally challenges the alleged...


10 years ago


MP decries donor reliance

Parliamentary budget committee chairman Andrew Chenge on Wednesday advised the government to adopt a new budgetary system that will refrain from depending on support from donors.


10 years ago


Mwinyi decries lawlessness

>Former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi yesterday said that the growing tendency of people taking the law in their hands in the country was a sign of immoral tendencies growing in the society.


10 years ago


TRA decries exemptions

>Chairman of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Board, Mr Benard Mchomvu, has said tax exemptions are still stumbling block for efficient tax collection in the country.


10 years ago


DC decries abuse of women, girls

Pangani District commissioner Regina Chonjo has called on women and Pangani District residents in general to refuse to be silent spectators of violations against women’s and girls’ rights.


9 years ago


US decries al-Jazeera jail sentences

The US says it is "deeply disappointed and concerned" at the three-year jail sentences handed down in Egypt to three al-Jazeera journalists.



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