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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


‘Caliph’ sermon at Iraq mosque show of confidence

The first appearance of self-proclaimed “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (pictured) in a video shot in an Iraqi mosque illustrates the extent of his jihadist group’s control and confidence.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Sermon themes set for Egypt mosques

Egyptian government chooses topics for preachers


11 years ago


Build your child’s confidence

“Self-esteem comes from having a sense of belonging, believing that we’re capable, and knowing our contributions are valued and worthwhile,” says California family therapist Jane Nelsen, co-author of the Positive Discipline series.


10 years ago


TAYLOR: EU self-confidence up for overhaul

>Short, snappy and focussed on two priorities - reviving sagging investment in Europe and standing firm towards Russia, the first European Union summit under new leadership was a demonstrative break with the past.


11 years ago


High cost of low confidence

There is a theoretical, invisible barrier that holds women back from achieving either the status or the salaries their male contemporaries earn. The glass ceiling or glass cage as it is called isn’t something new in the professional world, it is the reason the descendants of Eve fail to claim their full potential.


10 years ago


New hope, self-confidence in menstruating schoolgirls

The project covers 2014 and 2015 and seeks to “develop and demonstrate market-based solutions” that address the problem adolescent girls in schools and community face


10 years ago


Kova: Public still have confidence in police

Kova: Public still have confidence in police
Dar es Salaam Police Special Zone Commander Suleiman Kova has rubbished claims that the recent attacks on police stations has been due to the dwindling public confidence in the force. Kova said to claim that the ongoing police force including station ...


10 years ago


Lowassa oozes confidence after nomination by Ukawa

The opposition coalition Ukawa yesterday nominated former Prime Minister Edward Lowassa as its presidential candidate and Mr Juma Duni Haji as his running mate. Mr Lowassa was nominated by Ukawa – which comprises Chadema, CUF, NCCR-Mageuzi and NLD – just eight days after defecting to Chadema from the ruling CCM on July 27.


11 years ago


Survey all land to instil confidence in developers

Land, arguably the most important economic resource after people, continues to be a cause for conflicts among Tanzanian communities. This is mostly because our land laws and regulations are vague.


10 years ago


Egypt seeks to build confidence with second Suez Canal

Egypt seeks to build confidence with new Suez Canal



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