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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call for action plan to check gem smuggling

MPs yesterday asked Energy and Minerals ministry to put proper strategies in place that would help in weeding out mineral smugglers.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Prof. Mbarawa Launches “Rumble In The Jungle” A call to action for African with leadership qualities to Rise to the call Of duty


Hon. ambassador Mwaidi Sinare Maajar followed by honorable Minister of Science and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa together with the author Mr. Norman Moyo beating the drums marking the unveiling of the book “Rumble in the Jungle” to the invited guests, the event took place at the Hyatt Hotel, far right is the MC of the event, Taji Liundi.

A Tanzanian based telecommunications executive, Norman Moyo, CEO of Helios Towers Tanzania launched his first leadership book called Rumble in the...


10 years ago

Daily News

Call to check human rights violations

Call to check human rights violations
Daily News
THE government has urged the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRGG) to ensure it exposes human rights violations so that requisite action is taken against perpetrators. Speaking with commissioners of CHRGG during a ...


11 years ago


Let Bunge check govt borrowing: call

>Tanzania Coalition of Debts and Development (TCDD) wants the Parliament to be empowered so that it can intervene whenever the government wants to borrow.


11 years ago

Daily News

Call for action against violence

Daily News
Call for action against violence
Daily News
THE British High Commissioner to Tanzania, Ms Dianna Melrose, on Wednesday evening hosted an awareness raising event to highlight the issue of sexual violence. The event was arranged to coincide with the UK's “End Sexual Violence in Conflict” Global ...


9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Understanding India’s Climate Action Plan (INDC)


According to the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to meet the 2°C temperature increase target, the world has an emission budget of only 1,000 billion tonnes of CO2 till 2100. With Kyoto Protocol coming to an end by 2020, UNFCCC has urged countries to come up with ‘Intended Nationally Determined Contributions’(INDC) by COP21 so as to negotiate and come up with a legally binding document to cut down emissions.

India has submitted its Intended...


11 years ago


Ministry to focus on ending gender violence in action plan

Ministry to focus on ending gender violence in action plan
The Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children has resorted to fight Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the next financial year attributing the habit as a major factor hampering socio-economic development of the country. Sophia Simba, the ...


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

Stopping Wildlife Crime: A call to action


Yesterday, Friday 9th May 2014, MPs, ministers, global representatives and zoological organizations gathered together to the ‘Stopping wildlife crime & advancing wildlife conservation conference: a call to action’ hosted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and the ICCF.

The conference, which was held at the Hyatt Regency in Dar es Salaam, brought together influential delegates from across the globe to open a discussion about the alarming levels of illegal poaching occurring in...


11 years ago


AUDIO: Call for action on abducted girls

The Nigerian government has been criticised for not doing enough to find and release some 190 schoolgirls abducted by militants two weeks ago.


9 years ago

Eurasia Review

Women, Peace And Security In ASEAN: Need For Distinct Action Plan – Analysis

Eurasia Review
Women, Peace And Security In ASEAN: Need For Distinct Action Plan – Analysis
Eurasia Review
ASEAN's move towards a post-2015 community presents an opportune moment to relook at issues surrounding women and their role in this envisioned integration. This is especially so in addressing women's roles, in a milieu of change and reformation, ...
Education: Protecting women by shaping their futureDaily News | The National Newspaper (press release) (blog)
Holistic development: The issue...



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