
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call to care for disabled

People with disabilities are still stigmatised in many pastoralist communities whereby basic needs for children including education are not among their priorities, it was observed here recently.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago

Daily News

Disabled people call for inclusive education system

Disabled people call for inclusive education system
Daily News
TANZANIA has to promote an inclusive education system through which multi disabled students can excel as it has been their dream for so long. Tanzania League of the Blind (TLB), Vice-Chairman, Mr Robert Bundala said recently that the system must ...


10 years ago


LAKE ZONE: Build ‘disabled friendly’ structures: call

KAGERA.Authorities here have been called on to take into account the needs of people with disabilities when erecting both office and residential buildings.


11 years ago


Tanzania’s child health care needs more resources: call

>Although Tanzania has relatively made some progress in reducing under-five deaths -- thus meeting the Millennium Development Goal Four -- weak public and private health systems remain the biggest challenge.


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Prof. Mbarawa Launches “Rumble In The Jungle” A call to action for African with leadership qualities to Rise to the call Of duty


Hon. ambassador Mwaidi Sinare Maajar followed by honorable Minister of Science and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa together with the author Mr. Norman Moyo beating the drums marking the unveiling of the book “Rumble in the Jungle” to the invited guests, the event took place at the Hyatt Hotel, far right is the MC of the event, Taji Liundi.

A Tanzanian based telecommunications executive, Norman Moyo, CEO of Helios Towers Tanzania launched his first leadership book called Rumble in the...


9 years ago


More needs to be done to assist TZ’s 2.4m disabled

Mr Tumaini Mcharo 44, is one of the reported 2.5 million Tanzanians living with one form of disability or other. As experts gathered last weekend in Dar es Salaam to discuss ways of helping the disabled, Mr Mcharo, who was at the meeting, gave a testimony to the common adage that disability is not inability.


9 years ago


SA disabled 'excluded from school'

An estimated 500,000 disabled children are being excluded from South Africa's education system, international pressure group Human Rights Watch says.


11 years ago


Disabled grieve over treatment

As Tanzanians join the world to mark the education week, people with disabilities (PWDs) are not in a celebratory mood.


10 years ago


Do disabled have a shot at education?

>Children living with disabilities often fall victim to all manner of stereotypes, and when the disability in question is mental, the sufferers find themselves at the bottom of the priority list.


9 years ago


Make it possible for the disabled to shine

Throughout human history, technology has shaped the way people live. Information and communications technologies, in particular, have impacted a lot of people’s daily lives.



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