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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call to give priority to national interest

>Tanzanians will at least have a clue of their destiny once the Constituent Assembly concludes its work towards the end of April or early May.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Here is why you should always give your brakes a priority

Many motorists have no idea how brakes work. All they know is that stepping on brake pedal makes the beast come to a halt.


11 years ago


Cleric: Give disabled children due priority

Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT), Dr Alex Malasusa has urged the government and other education stakeholders to pay more attention to the needs of young learners who have hearing impairment.


11 years ago


Give local contractors due priority, govt urged

Bernard Lugongo,The Citizen Reporter


11 years ago


National interest first, says Barwany

>Anything done by political parties during the Constituent Assembly sitting in Dodoma should be in the national interest, a CA member has advised.


10 years ago


New Constitution should give national language due respect

There is a saying in a form of joke, that Kiswahili language was born in Zanzibar, grew up in Tanzania Mainland; and later on was transferred to Kenya where unfortunately it got sick.


11 years ago

Dewji Blog

I call upon all Ugandans to register for the National ID — Museveni


For the first time since its independence in 1962, Uganda has undertaken a massive registration exercise to ensure every citizen in the east African country obtains a national identity card.

The national identification cards, according to President Yoweri Museveni, will be digitised and is expected to bear the holders’ photo, names, biometric details including fingerprints.

Mass registration began yesterday the 14th of April 2014. Get yourself a National ID card.

Phase One:
The first phase...


9 years ago


National Election call centre launched

National Election call centre launched
The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has appealed to the public to make sensible use of the national election information centre it launched yesterday, saying all calls will be recorded. The 24-hour hotline is meant to serve as a medium of instant ...


11 years ago


Plea to give people good Katiba Deliver good Katiba to : Grant TZ good new call

 As citizens, we record in our memories what is happening in the Constituent Assembly (CA) and at the end of the day, we will come up with a conclusion if the Constitution to be achieved will be useful to us and the country in general.



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