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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Call to push for ethics, integrity training

>President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday launched a programme for leadership and Ethics studies, urging on the prioritisation of  mentorship.


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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago


Chande calls for integrity, code of ethics and justice

Chande calls for integrity, code of ethics and justice
The Chief Justice Mohamed Chande Othman yesterday called on the newly admitted advocates to adhere to professional ethics while defending their clients and refrain from malpractices that tarnish the image of the judiciary. The CJ made the call in Dar ...


11 years ago


Call for integrity in deliberations

It’s almost the third week since our Constituent Assembly (CA) began its business of preparing a proposed Constitution, as provided for in section 25 of the Constitutional Review Act, 2011 (Chapter 83).


10 years ago

Daily News

Call for police officers to observe integrity

Call for police officers to observe integrity
Daily News
POLICE officers and other senior public officials have been advised to be diligent because their integrity will also ensure their respectful retirement. The advice was given by retired senior police officer, Mr Abdallah Msika, who currently serves with a private ...


10 years ago


New 'Kibweta Cha Mwalimu Nyerere' on Leadership and Ethics Training ...

New 'Kibweta Cha Mwalimu Nyerere' on Leadership and Ethics Training ...
(B) THE AFRICAN UNITY PROJECT - AFRICAN Unity was Mwalimu Nyerere's next urgent agenda immediately following that of African liberation, In his speech titled "Africa Must Unite" which he delivered in Accra during celebrations to mark the 40th ...
Meeting on peace, unity opensIPPmedia

all 2


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Prof. Mbarawa Launches “Rumble In The Jungle” A call to action for African with leadership qualities to Rise to the call Of duty


Hon. ambassador Mwaidi Sinare Maajar followed by honorable Minister of Science and Communication, Prof Makame Mbarawa together with the author Mr. Norman Moyo beating the drums marking the unveiling of the book “Rumble in the Jungle” to the invited guests, the event took place at the Hyatt Hotel, far right is the MC of the event, Taji Liundi.

A Tanzanian based telecommunications executive, Norman Moyo, CEO of Helios Towers Tanzania launched his first leadership book called Rumble in the...


9 years ago


Getting Serious With Graft Through Integrity Pledge

Getting Serious With Graft Through Integrity Pledge
Corruption or commonly referred to as ufisadi is a common terminology adopted by Tanzanians in anguish of the increased rate of corrupt tendencies in the country. Corruption is as old as the world itself but to Tanzanians the trend has picked up and ...


10 years ago


Former CAG awarded for integrity

Former CAG awarded for integrity
The retired Controller and Auditor General, Ludovick Utoh has been awarded an integrity and hero award by Dream Success Enterprises for having served the public with integrity while adhering to ethics. Speaking during the handover ceremony yesterday in ...


9 years ago

Global Risk Insights

Tanzania: Is Magufuli's Integrity Enough?

Global Risk Insights
Tanzania: Is Magufuli's Integrity Enough?
Global Risk Insights
President John Magufuli has assumed office and is beginning noteworthy efforts to transform Tanzania into a regional leader. However, deep reforms are needed if Tanzania is to continue as a hub for foreign investment. Since securing victory in Tanzania ...



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