
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Calling all Medical and Dental professionals and non-medical compassionate people!

Calling all Medical and Dental professionals and non-medical compassionate people!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to practice medicine in a remote village in a third world country where you would rely on your skills, observation and your gut instinct?  Join us as we travel to Tanzania, Africa, to provide medical assistance in a humanitarian effort in May 18-28, 2015.   Teri Priebe and Becky Van Renan will escort this important mission.  The approximate all-inclusive land price...


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Habari Zinazoendana

5 years ago

Chronicles 99

Global Camera System Market Analysis 2020 Stryker Endoscopy, Fentex Medical, Aesculap, Smith & Nephew, Shenzhen China Medical

Global Camera System Market Analysis 2020 Stryker Endoscopy, Fentex Medical, Aesculap, Smith & Nephew, Shenzhen China Medical  Chronicles 99


5 years ago

The Sun

Belgium orders total coronavirus lockdown with people only allowed out for work, medical visits and shopping

Belgium orders total coronavirus lockdown with people only allowed out for work, medical visits and shopping  The Sun


10 years ago


So you want to be a medical surgeon?

Being a medical surgeon is often not as glamorous as Hollywood television series portray it to be. Take it from a seasoned veteran with almost a decade of experience holding the scalpel.


11 years ago


Medical insurance now accessible to everyone

Jamal Kondo is a carpenter and a small-scale trader in Dar es Salaam. One day, he fell ill and was admitted at Zakhem hospital in Mbagala. Luckily for him, he had an insurance plan and did not have to worry about the high cost of healthcare in Tanzania.


10 years ago


TZ dilemma on medical narcotics

>Being a cancer specialist for decades now, Dr Diwani Msemo, head of the Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) says he can tell the difference between ‘good death’ and ‘bad death’ as he recounts his emotional experience when dealing with terminally ill patients.


10 years ago


Gradel has medical at Bournemouth

Premier League newcomers Bournemouth are closing in on the signing of St Etienne and Ivory Coast forward Max Gradel.


10 years ago


UK medical student 'recruiter for IS'

A British medic recruited at least 16 fellow students from the UK to join the Islamic State group in Sudan, a BBC investigation finds.


10 years ago


9 years ago


Rural TZ to get medical labs

In an effort to address the  severe shortage of  laboratory services in rural areas, Tanzania Health Laboratory Service Solutions Organization (TANHELSO), has come with a special initiative aimed at increasing access to laboratory services to rural populations in the district.



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