
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Cameroon FA chief vows to unite body

New Cameroon FA president Tombi A Roko Sidiki vows to unite the body and restore his country's sporting pride.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Global aviation body vows to end plane disappearance

 International Civil Aviation Organisation (Icao) secretary general Raymond Benjamin yesterday said the body would establish mechanisms to avoid unexplained disappearances of aircraft in the world.


10 years ago

Daily News

Higher learning students' body vows to keep politics at bay

Higher learning students' body vows to keep politics at bay
Daily News
THE newly-elected Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions Students Organation (TAHLISO) leadership has decried incorporation of politics in its operations, vowing to shun politicians. TAHLISO President Francco John made the remarks shortly after being ...


10 years ago


Tanzania’s youngest chief: Chief Adam Abdul

Meeting him for the first time, he looks like any other 14 year old boy who enjoys playing games on the laptop, riding his bicycle and enjoys playing basketball when he is not doing his homework or helping out in their family shop.


10 years ago


Chief’s grandson wants to be ‘paramount chief’

The grandson of Lyagalaga Mwandosya, who served as chief of Mpulo Hamlet, located some 50 kilometres from Tukuyu Town is one of the cadres who are seeking CCM’s nomination for the presidency in the October General Election


9 years ago

Upstream Online

Tanzania must unite to succeed

Upstream Online
Tanzania must unite to succeed
Upstream Online
Tanzania defied the doomsayers in October with largely peaceful polls, but the expectations of many that the process would inject new blood and oust the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) from power were dashed. CCM candidate John Magufuli won ...
Letter from Africa: Tanzania's new wine gets to workBBC News
United Nations and European Union optimism on Zanzibar talksCoastweek
Zanzibar faces fresh electionsThe Zimbabwe Daily


11 years ago


JK can unite assembly members

Of the late, our Constituent Assembly (CA) which is now divided into two parts, one CCM-based and the other Opposition-based, has shifted its functions from the CA in Dodoma and now is conducting a strange and confusing campaign in the public, each party trying to win the public on its side.


10 years ago


Hatred is fleeting, Africa unite!

Everybody needs a friend. There is no way that I can emphasise that enough. I know that when people are really upset about others, they claim that they don’t care about it. But the truth is, every human being needs a friend. 


10 years ago


SADC poets unite in the name of love

Fifty years ago, it would probably be hard to imagine how you could promote African literature involving artists from all over Africa without having them assembled in one place. In 2015, the internet has done us a lot of good.


10 years ago


Next EALA speaker should unite the house

New Vision
Next EALA speaker should unite the house-Mao
New Vision
Democratic Party President Norbert Mao says the next Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) should be impartial and will have to work towards uniting the house which was divided. Mao's comments come after hearing of the impeachment ...
Zziwa ousted as EA House SpeakerDaily News
East African Parliament Impeaches SpeakerBernama
E. African parliament removes...



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