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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Cameroon fixing claims questioned

Match-fixing claims against seven Cameroon players are questioned by the International Centre for Sport Security.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Koroma denies match-fixing claims

Ibrahim Koroma protests his innocence after being suspended by Sierra Leone over match-fixing allegations.


11 years ago


World Cup match-fixing claims made

Cameroon football authorities are to investigate claims that seven players helped to fix games at the World Cup.


11 years ago


BRAZIL 2014: Cameroon to ‘root out’ 7 players linked to World Cup match-fixing

Cameroon football chiefs determined to root out 7 players they termed as 'bad apples' implicated in an alleged match fixing scandal in 3 World Cup matches including during 4-0 loss to Croatia.


10 years ago


UK and international donors suspend Tanzania aid after corruption claims Payments of $490m frozen following claims that high-ranking officials siphoned off funds from the country’s central bank.

Donors to Tanzania’s general budget support programme include the UK, Canada, Denmark, the European Commission, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Sweden and the World Bank. Photograph: Daniel Hayduk/AFPInternational donors have suspended nearly $500m (£311m) in budget support to Tanzania in response to claims that senior government officials siphoned off funds from the country’s central bank under the guise of energy contracts.
The chair of Tanzania’s public accounts committee, Zitto...


10 years ago


Mbowe questioned over ‘sedition’

Chadema national Chairman Freeman Mbowe (C) arrives at Police Headquarters in Dar es Salaam yesterday. BY DEVOTA MWACHANG`A Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) national Chairman Freeman Mbowe was yesterday held at Police Headquarters in Dar es Salaam  and questioned over allegedly seditious remarks he made on Sunday. Mbowe was summoned by the police for interrogation following the party’s announcement of plans to conduct countrywide protests and strikes if the ongoing...


11 years ago


Kallon questioned by police over row

Ex-Sierra Leone captain Mohamed Kallon is questioned by police over a row with FA President Isha Johansen.


11 years ago


Govt silence on Gaza questioned

The Opposition CUF is asking the government to publicly condemn Israel attack against Palestine.


9 years ago


Sexwale questioned by US grand jury

Fifa presidential candidate Tokyo Sexwale appears before a US grand jury as part of an on-going investigation into World Cup bribes.


10 years ago


Seven questioned for 5 hours over ‘sacking’ of CCM official

>Seven leaders of the CCM youth wing Arusha Region were at the weekend grilled for five hours over their decision to “sack” their regional secretary, Mr Gerald Mwadalu.



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