
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Can artists bring social change ?

>Is there really a relationship between art and social change? Writers, poets, journalists, arts educators, and cultural activists based in Dar es Salaam and its vicinity convened on Saturday March 8 at Soma Book Cafe to explore this question.


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Habari Zinazoendana

10 years ago


Youth can bring the change people want

How the Tegeta Escrow Account scandal has developed is proof enough that young politicians can be trusted to take on issues of national interest, according to a cross-section of opinion makers.


9 years ago


Zitto to Magufuli: Do this to bring positive change

Kigoma Urban MP-elect Zitto Kabwe says President John Magufuli needs to work on ten issues to bring about positive change in the country.


9 years ago


Zitto to Magufuli - Do This to Bring Positive Change

Zitto to Magufuli - Do This to Bring Positive Change
Dar es Salaam — Kigoma Urban MP-elect Zitto Kabwe says President John Magufuli needs to work on ten issues to bring about positive change in the country. Mr Kabwe, who is also the ACT-Wazalendo party leader, said yesterday that Dr Magufuli could ...


10 years ago


Will Katiba spur social change?

Even before independence, Tanganyika had already identified poverty, ignorance and disease as three main enemies of development.


11 years ago


VIDEO: 20 years of social change in S Africa

South Africa will celebrate "Freedom Day" this weekend - a celebration of 20 years of democracy.


10 years ago


ANALYSIS: The power of social media in political change

>Early in mid-June this year over 10,000 youth flocked at the National Stadium in the City to sit for written interview for what was said 70 job opportunities at Immigration Department.


9 years ago


Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own Change By Peter Claver Oparah
Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own Change By Peter Claver Oparah
Of recent, the hyperactive Nigerian social media has been abuzz with heightened excitement of some Nigerians on reported changes that are taking place in Tanzania under President John Pombe Magufuli.
Of The Tanzanian Change And Our Own ChangeP.M. News

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10 years ago


Call Out for Artists

ZIFF is East Africa’s largest film, music and arts festival, bringing together talent from all over the world for a Zanzibar Tamasha! ZIFF puts together the island’s best parties. Bringing live music, dance, DJs and performances on a number of platforms. A carnival fever hits Zanzibar for 10days! We bring musicians together from all over Africa, and the world at large.

 Zanzibar International Film Festival is currently calling for Musicians and Performing Artists to send their request in...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

ZIFF; Call Out for Artists


Call Out for Artists.docx by moblog



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