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Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


Can we achieve sustainable development through Climate Change financing?

DSC_2760.jpgoouMasaki Inaba, Japan Citizens Network during the meeting..

Pan African Climate Justice Alliance and Africa Development Interchange Network host side event at the UN’s Third Financing for Development conference in Addis Ababa to: discuss the importance of climate finance, and the relationship of climate finance to the FfD discussions and post-2015 process.

The crucial role of climate finance within the development agenda was cast under the spotlight last night during discussions at a side...

Dewji Blog

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Habari Zinazoendana

9 years ago

Dewji Blog

Africa,climate change and sustainable development: what is at stake at Paris and beyond?

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The Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA) conference series was conceived as an annual forum to enable linkages between climate science and development policy by promoting transparent discussions between key stakeholders in the climate and development community. CCDA seeks to mainstream climate information into decision making and strengthen capacities focusing on climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, food security, energy and transport. To support Africa’s towards...


10 years ago

Dewji Blog

Weather and Climate Services Underpin Sustainable Development in Africa


The Third Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) will be hosted by the government of Cabo Verde from 10th -14th February

Ministers responsible for meteorology in Africa are meeting to coordinate and accelerate regional efforts to strengthen resilience to extreme weather hazards and adapt to climate change.

The Third Session of the African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET) ( will be hosted by the government of Cabo...


10 years ago


Higher education needs sustainable financing synergies

Higher education needs sustainable financing synergies
Recently, Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU), organized the 6th Higher Education forum and Exhibitions, which took plan between 13th and 15th August, 2014, which was held at Naura Springs Hotel, Sanawari, Arusha, Tanzania. The major goal of ...


9 years ago

The Hindu

India yet to achieve UN Millennium Development Goals

The Hindu
India yet to achieve UN Millennium Development Goals
The Hindu
India is not on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals, the deadline for which expires this year. The Statistical Year Book, brought out by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) that is overseeing progress on the MDGs, ...
Unsustainable Development GoalsProject Syndicate
Experts divided over value of UN sustainable development goalsFinancial Times
Business yet to grasp role in new UN...


10 years ago


Volunteer work is about sustainable development

>You might mistake them for tourists from the huge back packs they carry, but actually, they are not. They are in fact a group of students from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom determined to change the way student volunteering is done.


10 years ago


How Will Tanzania Fair Under the Sustainable Development Goals?

How Will Tanzania Fair Under the Sustainable Development Goals?
This year UN member states will finalise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000. Section 16.6 of the SDGs seeks to develop "effective, accountable and transparent ...


9 years ago


Locals Should Embrace Social Media for Sustainable Development

Locals Should Embrace Social Media for Sustainable Development
A few weeks ago, the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation EU-ACP (CTA) and the Eastern Africa Grain Institute (EAGI) conducted a workshop for various professionals in Dar es Salaam Our Correspondent, Moses Ferdinand reports.


9 years ago


ANYADIKE: The hurdles awaiting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has launched the Sustainable Development Goals – a new set of targets that global leaders have signed up to, including Shakira, David Beckham, and Pope Francis.



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