CAREER PROFILE :Meet Mabala the ticklish tale writer
Richard S.Mabala is a household name in Tanzania owing to numerous children’s books he has authored. Apart from authoring children’s books, he also writes training manuals in life skills, gender and youth development and satirical columns in the newspapers.
Habari Zinazoendana
9 years ago
AllAfrica.Com16 Dec
Tanzania: Career Profile - Let's Meet Amina, the Social Worker
Amina Msoke Mgeni's story is not uncommon: A graduate successfully completes her studies but spends 12 months on the road - looking for employment. Opportunity finally knocked on her door, and today, the 2006 BA Sociology graduate is a cluster ...
9 years ago
TheCitizen15 Dec
CAREER PROFILE : Let’s meet Amina, the social worker
Amina Msoke Mgeni’s story is not uncommon: A graduate successfully completes her studies but spends 12 months on the road – looking for employment. Opportunity finally knocked on her door, and today, the 2006 BA Sociology graduate is a cluster manager with World Vision. Her first stint was with Care International, where she worked as an intern for a year.
10 years ago
TheCitizen07 Oct
MEET THE AUTHOR: Master chef and cookbook writer
>Benn Haidari was born in the islands Of Comoros, in Mbeni Village. He moved to Ã…land Island in the late 60s, and in the early 70s he was enrolled in Hotel Restaurant College where he completed his diploma in hotel management. But he was not satisfied with that and was compelled to go to France in Ecole Gastronomie Francaise Ritz Escofier in Paris.
10 years ago
TheCitizen26 Jul
PROFILE : The tale of a single mother in Nyasa’s Likwilu village
Theodosia Maua,51, looks older than her age. Her dark, pale skin seems to have known no oil for a long time. Her general appearance and home surroundings tell it all. She is poor.
9 years ago
TheCitizen17 Nov
CAREER PROFILE : The woman who has green fingers
Cathryn Morris runs her own landscape company Shamba landscape. Originally from South Africa, she moved to Dar es Salaam in 2007.
9 years ago
TheCitizen29 Dec
CAREER PROFILE : Her job is to catch you in your lies
A career in lie detection focuses on drawing conclusions about honesty by interrogating people with the aid of a modern Lie Detector, called a polygraph machine. In this interview, Success talks to a forensic psychophysiologist:
11 years ago
TheCitizen04 Feb
CAREER PROFILE: No dream is ever beyond a self-made supervisor
>My duties include ensuring that overall the company delivers appropriate service to our clients. Our business is service-based; we therefore must deliver beyond our clients’ expectations!
9 years ago
TheCitizen08 Dec
CAREER PROFILE : Tsitsi Jaji opens up about her writing
Tsitsi Jaji was born and raised in Zimbabwe. Currently an assistant professor of English and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Jaji’s work has appeared in Poetry International, Prairie Schooner, Bitter Oleander, Munyori, Runes, and elsewhere. She is also the author of Africa in Stereo:
10 years ago
TheCitizen21 Jul
CAREER PROFILE : Hear it from the SOS sponsorship secretary
Jennifer Livigha, is working with SOS Children’s Village Dar es Salaam as a Sponsorship Secretary. She is the first born in a family of two girls.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania