Habari Zinazoendana
11 years ago
TheCitizen02 May
Wanted: a new mind-set
Job creation and unemployment are hot issues globally. Various reports show that the situation is worse in Tanzania, where the rate of unemployment is in the double digits, hovering around the 11 per cent mark.
9 years ago
TheCitizen10 Oct
People’s constitution wanted
Readers would like the coming government to call a referendum on the Warioba-led Draft Constitution
10 years ago
TheCitizen14 Jun
PROFILE : I just wanted to be my own boss
One drizzly evening a year and a half ago, Wanjiku sat with a friend in a coffee shop complaining about her job.
10 years ago
Tanzania Home Affairs Minister09 Mar
Emwazi wanted to harm us
Emwazi was refused entry to Tanzania in 2009 for being drunk and abusive, custody records from the time show. He has claimed he was on holiday with two friends when they were stopped and interrogated under orders from MI5. Tanzania's home affairs ...
Mohammed Emwazi went to Tanzania 'to commit terrorism'BBC News
all 3
11 years ago
TheCitizen05 Apr
‘I’ve always wanted an older woman’
>It is around 11 am in Temeke Mikoroshini. A fairly old woman in a colourful long gown, or dira as it is locally known, is seated on a depleted mat making chapatis for sale.
11 years ago
TheCitizen21 Jun
EDITORIAL: Committed leaders wanted
>It is good news for Tanzania that natural gas deposits have now risen to 51 trillion cubic feet--up from 42 trillion cubic feet recorded in July last year--thanks to ongoing exploration in the Indian Ocean.
10 years ago
TheCitizen11 Feb
EDITORIAL: Wanted: Safer butcheries
A photograph of the meat business at Mkuyuni in Mwanza region in yesterday’s edition of The Citizen is likely to be met with a “so what?†response in some quarters. But there is more to it than meets the eye. The focus of the photo is chunks of meat hanging from hooks in a butchery. It is a common sight countrywide. And what it represents – the sale of food in unhygienic conditions – merits some reflection.
10 years ago
TheCitizen19 Feb
Wanted: transparent and honest intentions
Vodacom Tanzania’s decision to openly announce its revenue, expenditure, investment and profit as well as operational challenges for the 2014 calendar year sets high standards for companies in all sectors.
10 years ago
Emwazi 'wanted to harm Tanzania'
Mohammed Emwazi, the man otherwise known as "Jihadi John", wanted to carry out "acts of terrorism" in Tanzania, one of its top officials believes.
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13-February-2025 in Tanzania