
Sales Representative

Deadline: Oct 26, 2105


CCM cardres reassured over 3-tier govt

The CCM members threatening to differ with their party stand over the Union structure can now heave a sigh of relief after the draft Standing Orders for the Constituent Assembly gave them the freedom to debate any issue brought before them without influence from anybody or institution.


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Habari Zinazoendana

11 years ago


Three-tier govt less expensive, argues Lipumba

>A representative of the minority side in  Committee Number 11 of the Constituent Assembly (CA), Prof Ibrahim Lipumba, on Thursday evening demolished the argument that a three-government Union structure was expensive.


11 years ago


Academics back 2-tier govt format

A number of academicians have come in the open to back the ruling party’s position of retaining the current Union structure of two-governments in the new Katiba, currently being written by the Constituent Assembly (CA).


9 years ago


I prefer three-tier govt, Lowassa assures Z’bar

Chadema presidential candidate Edward Lowassa said here yesterday that he would prefer a three-tier federal government that would enable Zanzibar to have its full autonomy.


11 years ago


3-tier union angers Isles CCM

Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) members in the House of Representatives are intending to shoot down a proposal for Tanzania to have three governments as recommended in the second draft constitution, The Citizen on Sunday has learnt.


11 years ago


On eve of Katiba Assembly, CCM agitates for two-tier government [VIDEO]

Nape Nnauye says his party believes adopting a three-governments structure is unlikely to resolve any of the myriad problems inherent in the current governance structure.


11 years ago


Africa’s story: Tough challenges but reassured about many opportunities

When meeting with people outside Africa, I’m often asked whether Africa’s growth takeoff since the mid-1990s has been simply a “commodity story”—a ride fuelled by windfall gains from high commodity prices. But finance ministers and other policymakers in the region, and I was one of them, know that the story is richer than that.


11 years ago


More for 3-tier format

>Some members of Constituent Assembly (CA) Committee Number Four who previously were for the confederation type of union have now leaned towards supporting the three-government format.


11 years ago


Teachers in favour of 3-tier Union

>If you thought the three-tier Union structure proposed in the Second Draft  Constitution reflected views of just a few Tanzanians or the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) alone, think again.


9 years ago

Election Reforms

CCM, govt for massive post

CCM, govt for massive post-election reforms
Daily News
THE ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), has vowed to introduce massive reforms in both the government and party should it win the October 25 general election, this year. Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General, Mr Abdulrahman Kinana, ...



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